Amari’s Troop

Monkeys are listed in alphabetical order. Below each Infant and Juvenile I’ve included their Birthdays and the day they died. If you know any birthdates/dates of death that I’m missing or believe one of them is wrong please let me know.

PT = Pigtailed Monkey
? = Unsure
n/a = Not Applicable or Don’t Know if they have any
O.N.N. = Offspring Not Named
D.O.A. = Daughter of Alpha
S.O.A. = Son of Alpha

Color Codes:
Grey = Deceased
Blue = Left Troop
Orange = Potential Offspring
Potentially Pregnant = Yellow

Female Rank Youngest Juvenile Eldest Mature
Amari Alpha Lori [F] Jack [M] Jace [M] Jill [F]
12-14-17 12-13-16
Ashley (PT) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Dana Low ? Donny [M] n/a n/a n/a
Dolly High Sweetie [F] DeeDee [F] n/a n/a
1-10-18 1-27-17
Jill D.O.A. Brutus Jr. [M] n/a n/a n/a
Lucy n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Maria Low Aiden [M] Kari [F] n/a n/a
2-24-18 3-?-17
Merry Low Sherri [F] Joey [M] Drew [M] Sasha [F]
2-5-18 12-18-16
Popeye Middle Polly [F] Sweet Pea [M] Oliver [M] n/a
5-30-18 3-28-17
Sasha Low Jessie [F] n/a n/a n/a
Tima Very Low Heather [F] n/a n/a
Male Rank General Info
Achap Current Alpha Took over Alpha after Brutus
Brutus Previous Alpha Took over Alpha after Donald
Caesar ? Has one eye
Chimo Lower Ranking Younger Male that emigrated to Amari’s troop
Donald Previous Alpha Left the troop to go into the forest
Drew Low Merry’s subadult son
Felix ? ?
Marcus ? ?

173 thoughts on “Amari’s Troop

  1. hi sblover says this is the order of amari group

    Amari Group
    Donald – king Lost
    Brutus – Male King
    Felix – Male Tumo
    Marcus – Male Help brutus
    Achap – Mafia Invader
    Amari – mom Alpha female – Jill (F), Jace (M),Jack (M)
    Merry – mom – Joey (M)
    Dolly – mom – DeeDee (F)
    Tima – mom – Heather (F)
    Popeye – mom – Olive (M), SweetPea (M)
    Maria – mom – Kari (F) Ashley – mom
    Chimo – Long face
    Lucy – old Monkey
    Sasha – Kidnapper
    Caesar – Small One eye Male
    Drew – Small (F)
    Dana – naughty girl (F) ……………………………………….

    Liked by 1 person

    • Brutus has since been poisoned. I think Achap is king? Also baby Lori is Amari’s youngest daughter, recently hurt by a human. It was really sad, she could barely move it looked like she had a concussion and I believe her right leg is also damaged. The story is that her and some other monkeys were on a mans motorcycle and playing with his phone and/or other electronics. When he noticed he came to shoo them away carrying a stick (looked like a baton possibly) and hit baby Lori. She was taken by a vet (they had to trick Amari with food) has since been rereleased, and is with her mother. Fingers crossed. Not sure what other changes.


      • Hi Nolana,

        Thanks for the updated information. I followed both the Brutus and Lori incidents. It’s sad that both of those events happened. Thankfully she seems to be slowly recovering at this point. I’m hoping that if she keeps moving she’ll be able to regain a lot of the mobility that she lost.

        Liked by 1 person

    • That looks correct from what I’ve observed but I wish someone would go through and show which male monkeys have been displaced are absent as to date thanks for keeping track wonderful job


      • Only one thing about the rank, Maria is next after Dolly, her rank is higher than Popeye. I have a suspicion that she, too, is Amari’s daughter, she and Jill look so muh alike…unlike any of the others. That also would explain Amari’s fondness for Kari, the way Amari let her get by with things (her granddaughter). Kari also is a rescuer…she takes baby monkeys that are in trouble away from the punishment, and she doesn’t get attacked.

        Liked by 1 person

    • where duchess she is always with duke and merry and Dana the movie star. cause sweet pea likes her. i think sweet pea was a girls name and i had gender confusion with this troop. he grows on you with the facial contortions.

      Liked by 1 person

      • wasn’t duchess a babysitter/kidnapper a year or so ago? or does her species long snout features make kidnapper wanted posters? funny coincidence,


      • Somebody was saying that SP and Dana are bro & Sis..?
        I don’t know… But he does have a big crush on her. I watch them EVERYDAY now. I’m actually planning my first trip outside of the USA to visit him!!!

        Nope… I’m not going to Rome or France…
        I’m going to Cambodia to visit a tiny fat monkey ands his one eyes mother named Popeye!?!


        Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for all your work. I was watching another series about the different monkeys, but with everyone on that series thinks they are better than vets. You are very refreshing , and look forward to seeing more.
      By the way according to your list of monkeys, I noticed you haven’t mentioned poor baby Heidi


      • Heidi was not in any of the three troops covered by this website. In fact, she was in a troop hundreds of kilometers away from Angkor Wat.


      • Can this be updated. This seems to be way outdated and now there seems to have been. So many monkies taken out and all these orphan babies.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Well let’s c here…jill has a new baby Jilla…DeeDee has a new baby delena…merry one hand is missing…daniela from Dana is dead and Dolly had baby Dalton a couple of days ago and Dolly has died due to complications of childbirth…


      • Who is d Dana’s mother? Can someone please answer that…who knows for sure. And who is Dolly’s mother?


      • Daniela is now deceased…killed by santra an outsider of the troop…7/11/2019 r.i.paradise little one…


      • before Daniela born to POS mom Dana. Popeye has Polino a strong, Polite, well adjusted male. Maria gave birth to Maddix whom was immediately kidnapped by DeeDee and ‘tail-drug’ relentlessly insane. DeeDee tries to knock babies out tree by shaking,jumping, pushing. MADDIX came close to really dieing from concussion fall out tree. DeeDee of course responsible. Merry has cute smart girl monkey named Macy or Maci. Tima has 12 month old regresser named Timo. Like Sweet pea wansta never stop milking the mama. that is where I see troup. Achap has joined the Foreign Legion. JOKE he moved his fighting skills to Forest. resides with monkeys as of October 4 2019. Daniela died at the teeth of Santra Monkey a Nerr-do-well that king of 6 or exercise as they call mating. Dolly and DeeDee are very Promiscuous! if you find watching the Females and one is missing for long time. You can find them in a tree doing ‘Cartoon Monkey idiosyncrasy. Popeye was even trying to seduce a yuong monkey and failed. Next she got a stray old monkey with 1 Tooth! Funny Indeed. But Daniela is the saddest story ever. I no longer watch much anymore. no respect for dead.


      • I recently discovered these monkeys having come across them accidentally one day on youtube. I had been watching a video about a little monkey from China called HuaHua who is a pet of a trainer who I thought was abusing her,making her walk upright and dressing her like a little doll. The auto play started by showing a video of Daniela being kidnapped from Dana by Deedee and dragged by her tail a long way. I was shocked by what I saw and decided to play the next video of her yet again being hurt this time it was Dana who was biting her and refusing her milk.
        I wanted to find out more about Daniela and this troop of monkeys and that’s when I got hooked on following them and have been ever since.
        When I discovered Daniela was murdered I was sad because she had captured my heart,that brave and fiesty little Macaque. I wondered why deedee had abused her each and every day, the hate seemed to border on insanity.
        Dana pissed me off because I watched as deedee and others abused that baby and she did nothing apart from sit on her rump, calming, chewing her cud like a cow. She is one of the more attractive of the troop though and I likened her to be like the troop tart who became a teenage mother who hates the fact that it has tied her down lol… I have not yet watched any of the video showing deedee since she gave birth to her first,so I sure do hope she is kinder to her own than she has been to her poor hostages.
        I want to ask a question as i am not as clued in yet as those who have been following these monks for a while. What age are the females on average when they start to mate and get pregnant? I am sure I read somewhere that one was about 6 years old in our years when it first got pregnant.


      • These Angkor monkeys have been around 3 years of age, when first becoming a mom. Some as young as 2 1/2.


      • @ Caroline farrington……If you love watching macaque life but not necessarily the cruelty caused by the scambodian VOs then you must watch the “Arroz Marisco” Youtube channel. It’s an amazing channel! Unlike the Scambodian clips, his are shows that have music, commentary, professional production & best of all the monkey’s names and families are embedded in every episode. Lmk what ya think. You’re welcome


      • @ Caroline farrington……If you love watching macaque life but not necessarily the cruelty caused by the scambodian VOs then you must watch the “Arroz Marisco” Youtube channel. It’s an amazing channel! Unlike the Scambodian clips, his are shows that have music, commentary, professional production & best of all the monkey’s names and families are embedded in every episode. Lmk what ya think. You’re welcome


      • I used to say Dana’s mother is Merry, too, but watching her grab an nite Merry when Merry goes after Jessie make me rethink that. Tima had a female the year Dana was born, so I think she and Merry are sisters. There is a 2011 video showing a very young Merry, while Tima is sitting on a heap of dirt and roots nearby, with several other monkeys, including one who may be Lucy. I have to dig into all of this much further, to try to separate truth from rumors.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Grab and BITE Merry (gotta love autocorrect, it “corrects” words that are right, and leaves the actual typos (lol)


      • Merry isn’t Dana’s Mother, Sasha and Dana were born the same year, 2014, Just 2 months aprt from each other, Video’s are out there, only 2 Females had Girls that year, and that was Sasha and Dana. Merri had a boy in 2013 , Sasha in 2014 and Drew in 2015, where the heck could she have had Dana. Dana’s mum has to be Tima, as all the others had boys in 2014. ro

        Liked by 2 people

      • Dolly and Dee Dee are the least promiscuous in the group. They mate only with the alpha male. Unfortunately, I don’t think some people understand what promiscuous means in the context of animal sexual behavior.

        The Amari troop has one promiscuous female and that is Popeye. None of Popeye s offspring were stored by the troops alpha male. There is some suspicion that Shitpig is the result of Popeye mating with her brother. Shitpig has numerous autosomal recessive traits. Autosomal recessive disorder are always the result of brother sister mating.


      • I always had the notion that if not all, most of Popeye’s offspring are from Felix. Sweetpea looks a lot like him. I had read and I think that Popeye’s mom was Lucy. They had almost the same face. I have read that some Lucy’s sons could be Loki, Chimo, and somewhere I read even Skippy, current leader of the troop. I saw a video in which Skippy was running after Popeye, and then suddenly, Lucy run and attack him! So he could leave Popeye alone. Could be possible that Skippy and Popeye were brothers, and Lucy warned her son not to mount his own sister? Who knows.


    • Alphas: Dolly and Marcus
      Dolly: Deedee (f)
      Likely to be next Alpha Male: Skippy
      Assistant to Alpha: Felix Donkey(?)
      Males of high Status: Jack ( Amaris son)
      Other male members: Drew, Joey, Santra
      High Ranking Females:
      Jill: Brutus Jr. (M)
      Maria: Maddox(M)
      Sasha: (killed) Jesse (f)
      Lower Ranked Females
      Dana: Donny (m)
      Merri: Drew(M), Sherri (f), Joey(m), Maci (f)
      Popeye: Shitpig (?) Polly (f) died, Ugly Polino(m)
      Tima: Timo (m)

      Liked by 1 person

      • popeye’s children for the 2 years ive been watching( i count 50+ monkey channels with some footage of Amari ( Ghetto Macaque)vGroup Sons name has allways been SweetPea. Where the Poor broken English ghetto ‘Shitpig’ comes from I havent a clue. Maybe its like ChubraCabra or a Cambodian ‘Urban Legend. Polino has never been refered to as Ugly Polino? I saw Polino the day he was born I saw Polly the day she died. Popeye had a melodrama week following her death. Other than the personal references I mentioned this list is good. Achap is a Forest Monkey member. cats Santra killed Daniela for an unknown reason. Days after Dolly and DeeDee AND Dana were paying him back in exercise 6. Do we thank our childrens Killer back with mate bait. ( yes, a few Primates i,in the wild, including big cats, Kill baby to mate with mother. Santra NEVER would get chance at that with Marcus and Achap running the show. Watch the videos (many) make your determination. You’ll find behavior i think some scientists from Nation Geographic have never seen with this ‘strange’ selfish, greedy monkeys take what they want in life. Tomorrow they may be in the mood to care less if their baby they took super good care of last 3 weeks gets stolen by another monkey ( tortured) by witch Dolly for an hour baby crying loud Amari pretending she blind AND Deaf Eats, Eats,Eats Garbage Ghetto Mon Key Good riddance Amari. Luck shone down for Lori when she rescued by camera guys took to capitol. Daniela was rescued by the angels of the Monestery. RIP Daniela. Good choice Achap in getting Dollys murderous fingers of your groom. Nasty troop other than Merry and Popeye. Dollys evil spell even had Maria ripping at Danielas hair, disconnecting milk from Dana at all times. its sick. Monkeys are devious too. Just watch DeeDee and Dolly work in Tandem. Maria helps too. ignore Maddix all day just to follow Dana around brutalizing baby.


    • The above chart is incorrect, but there is no option to leave a comment so I am leaving this here.
      Maria is middle rank along with Jill and Popeye is lowest rank.


  2. Kimberly, a good way to see Ashley vs. Cara is by their resting face expression. Ashley looks innocent, whereas Cara looks determined. I am going to get pictures.

    Liked by 1 person

      • they are members of 2 different groups. so you wont see them together. Ashley is much more even tempered also has no children. never been pregnant unless she miscarried and it went unphotographed.


    • New two weeks ago on Ashley monkey is updated She was given as a b day present to a man at 2 months old he had many pigtail monkeys that he mated with other pigtails Ashley has 3 sisters and 2 bothers Ashley was born in 2003 her mom is unknown to this day. Ashley had two female babies. Both died right after birth. Because of losing her babies Ashley went into a deep depression her tubes were tied after the last baby died anyway she does have sisters in the amber troop one is old Trerea and cara


      • Oops a new updated video on YouTube about Ashley from the age two months old all the way up until 11 / 2021


  3. Brutus has since been poisoned. I think Achap is king? Also baby Lori is Amari’s youngest daughter, recently hurt by a human. It was really sad, she could barely move it looked like she had a concussion and I believe her right leg is also damaged. The story is that her and some other monkeys were on a mans motorcycle and playing with his phone and/or other electronics. When he noticed he came to shoo them away carrying a stick (looked like a baton possibly) and hit baby Lori. She was taken by a vet (they had to trick Amari with food) has since been rereleased, and is with her mother. Fingers crossed. Not sure what other changes.


    • Hi Sherry,

      Oh! The names are in red because they are clickable. All names that are red I’ve added a bit of information about that particular monkey along with ways to identify them from other monkeys.

      The families are left to right, so for Amari, her family is Lori, Jack, Jace, and Jill. They are all related to each other.

      I’m working on a more potentially in-depth family tree for connections between the females. It’s really difficult to tell who is related to who especially in these troops.

      I’m glad you’re enjoying the site! I try to update it when I can with relevant information.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hello Quimmbly, All the females are related somehow down the line. I started watching these primates when Sochhun first started to video. It was believed by the majority of us Ol timers, that Popeye was Amari’s sister, of course Amari being the youngest making her Alpha, due to their behaviors and interactions. And we still believe so. In any event they are all related somehow down the line. Unless you have a DNA kit I don’t think anyone will ever know 100% who ranks where. Even Sochhun is unsure at times and he’s been videoing for some time and interacts with these primates. For example Sasha. Sasha is a toss up between Merri and Popeye on who her mother is.
        Great job on your website! Must have taken a great deal of time and effort!

        Liked by 2 people

      • Hello Quimmbly, All the females are related somehow down the line. I started watching these primates when Sochhun first started to video. It was believed by the majority of us Ol timers, that Popeye was Amari’s sister, of course Amari being the youngest making her Alpha, due to their behaviors and interactions. And we still believe so. In any event they are all related somehow down the line. Unless you have a DNA kit I don’t think anyone will ever know 100% who ranks where. Even Sochhun is unsure at times and he’s been videoing for some time and interacts with these primates. For example Sasha. Sasha is a toss up between Merri and Popeye on who her mother is.
        Great job on your website! Must have taken a great deal of time and effort!


      • I want to know why something has not been done about the mean monkeys that hurt the babies. Dede is a monster and probably should be euthaniixed and Dolly isn’t much better. You should put all the abusers in monkey jail.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I would agree with you but its best not to interfere with animal behaviors. Yes, Dolly and Dee Dee are terrors but i have noticed alot of alpha female monkeys exhibiting the same behavior as Dolly. As for her daughter Dee Dee, her taking babies and dragging them…i have seen alpha females adult daughters do the same to some degree…example Duchess stealing babies. Its like the rich man who buys his kid out of trouble. Whose gonna correct the alpha females daughter..noone. Their basically given free range to do what they want. Perhaps all will change when Dee Dee gives birth.

        Liked by 1 person

      • It is against the law for the VOs to remove, or interfere with the monkeys,in any way. These laws are strict, in response to monkeys and other animals being poached, to the extent that some species are now endangered. According to the laws in Cambodia, all wildlife is protected, and by law, they are only supposed to film them (and they can feed them).
        Besides that, what Dolly and DeeDee do is instinctual. Including what DeeDee is doing – it is called “allomothering,” she just happens to be particularly bad at it. We may not like it, but we can’t impose our human standards of behavior on the monkeys. Monkeys be jerks. 😉 Cindy

        Liked by 1 person

    • thank you, if true Jack cannot be mating with Tima and Achap being an So-called Invader Monkey is the Alpha male the troop needs to carry on lineage. Disturbing to see Sweet Pea also seriously taking ‘Requests( that’s so funny) , I love the descriptions and stretching the translation more than anything on this channels, funny mistakes or overreactions by Sweet Pea getting the troop all worked into a frenzy, now the troop is bored with his antics. The need for the males related to move on is so vital to health of troop. who but nature makes these decisions.


      • Well the females have sure been wanting some santra weewee…he’s gonna get in I’ll bet….


  4. Old world monkeys are most difficult to document, when it pertains to family tree.
    Too many unseen visitors during the nightime hours, and a lack of loyalty makes this a guessing game. (Even if you visit a particular troop daily to video tape them)
    True DNA testing is the only way of knowing just who fathered each offspring.
    There are much more “half” brothers and sisters than actuual lineage of a current alpha. As far as knowing which females are true sisters, one must locate an individual or group of people old enough to have visited a grouping of long-tailed macaques back to 1990. Then, combined theories can mesh to get some better “IDEAS” on monkey sisters and or brothers. All would still be speculation though-
    As DNA tests would make this accurate. Just enjoy these primates, and work towards preservation. Any human being that can smack a baby girl macaque with a stick, baton, or whatever, while visiting her domain, has no SOUL, No testicles, and most likely was and still is the same big PUSSY he has always been! Lori has permanent damage that is obvious. All the other monkeys that are in her life (including AMARI), can feel Loris lack of stability and abilities to perform the most basic of monkey actions daily. Lori will not make it to adulthood because of this inhumane man that hurt her. He deserves to go to HELL!
    God bless all long-tailed macaques, and all endangered primates left on this earth.
    Mankind is to blame for the extinctions of these awesome creatures.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I first became interest in macaques on Wild Discovery program about the wild macaques of Calcutta. They are fascinating little creatures. Then I saw the youtube about the attack on Lori.
    I was hooked. Always looking for info I came across this blog. Anyway, here is what I came up with. I obviously have a lot of spare time. Also I don’t think you are correct about the ranking. I believe the older females are likley sisters. Obviously the oldest sister is Amari followed by Pop Eye and Dolly. The other females are probably offspring of these three. (The eldest is Tima, obviousy, and I don’t have a clue or any openion about her other than she is sad and lonley.) If P.E. was a lower rank than Dolly she would dare fight her were Polly is concerned. Dolly may apears to be dominate, however, she is a bully as are her offspring… Danaa, Sasha and DeDe.

    Ankor wat Amari Group ALPHA Male is A Chap

    BABIES BORN 2018
    DATE      BABY.         MOM

    Dec 13     Lori.           Amari   2017 (8:00 am)
    Dec 21    Jesse.        Sasha.  2017  
    Jan 12    Sweety       Dolly
    Feb  6.     Sherri        Merry   (has missing hand)
    Feb 24    Aiden.        Maria  
    Feb 25    Donny.       Dana
    Apr  8.     Brutis JR   Jill
    May 30    Polly.         Pop Eye

    Young at least 1 year old
    Jack – Amari/male 12/11/2016
    Sweet Pea – Pop Eye/male 3/18/2017
    Kari-Maria/female  1/12/2017
    DeDe – Dolly /female 1/2017
    Joey-Merry/male 12/18/2016

    **Pig Tail Ashley stay with Amari troop

    One thing I don’t uderstand, and I have searched the internet for answers ad have found nothing that explains “kidnapping”. I’d like to know what your thoughts are on the subject. All I know for sure that it’s diferent for the diferent species of macaques.
    Ekp 8/3/2018


    • Popeye is definitely lower-ranked than Dolly. She may resist when Dolly is pulling at Polly, but that really doesn’t mean she is equal rank. The whole time, she is grimacing like “please don’t kick my ass” lol. But, there are plenty of times when Dolly does bite her. Her rank is the reason why she puts up with so much crap from DeeDee, and when she did actually warn DeeDee, and fight her a bit, the other day, guess what happened? Jack jumped on her, and Dolly got her BAD. She won’t overstep again, for a while, anyway. Not trying to be mean, or anything, but it does take more than a few months of watching, to really get an accurate picture of the troop’s dynamics, because they are fluid at times due to different factors, such as Ashley gaining rank because she is the alpha male’s favorite. As far as “kidnapping,” look up “allomothering.” There is a lot of information out there. Happy Watching! 😊

      Liked by 2 people

      • Quarky I like your POV. You seem to comprehend things about the same as me. I know we all have different opinions on all of the members but I def see a pattern lol.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The birth dates of Dana, Jill, and Sasha does allow enough time for them to be sisters: Sasha b. 11-12-14, one month later Jill b. 12-15-14 and one month later Dana b. 1-14-15. Their children: Jessie 12-15-17, Donny 2-24-18 and BJ 4-8-18. During the research and documentation of conversations and viewing videos Dana is identified as Dolly’s daughter, Sasha as Merry’s and Jill as Amari. Do you have a video or something that shows Dana and Sasha being sisters? Would love to read or see it.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Marva Caughey where’d you get the birth dates for Jill, Sasha, & Dana? Are you one of the LONG time viewers? I joined when Solita was still around. Probably around August of 2017.. but I’ve watched most of Socchun’s footage from the beginning on SP BBlover so I’ve seen SP’s generation born and so on. I wish there was some footage from earlier that wasn’t deleted 😦 They shouldn’t delete your content if your channel gets closed.. they should just close it from the public and give you like 2 to 4 weeks to download your content to prevent loss. Since I haven’t seen anything as far as proof on Dana’s mom (suspected to be Merry and Donny does favor Drew) I’m still curious about Pop-ee-aye lol. She’s one of the older females… so she prob def has grown babies somewhere. I wanna say I saw her with a baby in the vid from 10-12 years back and it was a girl.. if I’m not mistaken. I really wish we could get some DNA testing done lol I want to know!


    • I have been researching thus troop, and talking to individuals who have lived in Cambodia, and watched these Angkor Wat monkeys, for decades. I am still piecing it together, but this is what I have found out, so far:
      Amari started her own troop, pre-2008. There are several versions about how this came to be – and my personal hypothesis is that Amari is a released pet, with a strong personality. She looks like the long tails in Thailand, not the Cambodian ones. Anyway, poaching was out of control, pre-2008, and monkeys got scattered, trying to escape poachers (Cambodia has made very strict laws regarding tampering with wildlife, in response). Old-time watchers say Lucy and Tima came from Carbzilla troop. I am not sure about where they originated from, but Amari, Lucy, and Tima formed their own troop, with Amari as alpha. Those three are the mothers of the rest of the troop adult females. Amari’s daughters are Dolly (that is why she is alpha, now), Maria, and Jill. Lucy is Popeyes mom, and Tima is Merry, and Dana’s mom. Yes, I know, it flies in the face of everything you believe, as far as lineage, I was the same way at first…but, after researching, and talking to others who have researched, it makes sense. Check into it, yourself.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hate to burst your bubble but there are plenty of actual videos from PRE 2004 that debunk your opinions regarding lineage.


      • To “Anonymous” below me, here: You aren’t bursting my bubble, at all! If you have pre-2004 videos, I would love to see them. Could you provide links? – Cindy


      • Hey ya , Quirky chick, Yes i am a new account, But a long time viewer and visitor. Just going back on the subject of Dana and Merri being her Mum, There is a problem with that, On my Chanel i have these video’s so easily looked at, and i have started a discussion. However, In 2013 Tima in a video with Merri are showing 2 babies, Tima has the Girl and Merri has a boy.
        In 2014 Merri had a girl as did Tima. and in 2015 Merri had a boy, Which we all know as Drew.
        The boys either side of Merri having (Assumed Sasha), There really is no time for Merri to have had Dana either before Sasha or after Sasha.
        Merri would have had to have given birth to Dana when she was in fact pregnant with the Boys.We know Sasha and Dana were born 2014, Due to the footage of them as Juvies and both giving birth for the 1st time within a couple of months of each other,to Donny and Jessie. Like i said on one of the video’s, There is no way Dana nor Sasha hid from a rampant Male for a year to avoid pregnancy.
        IMO Dana is not the Daughter of Merri, If she is then Sasha has to be the Daughter of Tima, and we know that totally isn’t true.

        Liked by 1 person

      • To Koalabear: Hi!

        Yes, with further research, and talking to Cambodian residents, and old-time watchers, there is some conflict in birthdates, with Sasha, and Dana. Some say Sasha is Popeye’s, and Dana is Merry’s. I believe Dana to be Merry’s little sister, now, and Tima mom to them both. Which makes sense, because recently, with Sherri and Jessie’s squabbles where Merry and Dana got involved, Dana was acting a whole lot more like Merry’s sister – actually grabbing and biting Merry, for going after Jessie! That would also explain why Dana hangs out with Merry so much. They seem more like equals, than mother and daughter!

        Dana’s rank is obviously low, so that kinda seals it, for me, as far as Dana being Dolly’s. Again, this is all speculation, and nothing is written in stone, but it is the best game of “Clue” that I ever played! (Professor Knothead did it in the temple, with a mango!)
        – Cindy

        Liked by 1 person

      • i like this blog everyone can have their own opinion and you can agree with yourself score lots of GOODWILL


  6. Love your charting! Very informative. I agree with you on part of the fam tree, but here’s my theory, based only on chatter I have seen in comments, and observation. Alphas are the youngest of the line, so that means that Amari could only have older siblings. And of course, all males have moved on, so that leaves Tima , Lucy and Dolly. And since I have heard that Lucy is Popeye’s mother. Is she also Merry’s mother?


    • No one really knows whose mother Lucy is. We were kicking the idea around, a while back, and asked Socchun, but he said he didn’t know. I never see Popeye spending any time with Lucy, so….?? 😊


  7. I saw a video in February with Popeye, Sweet pea and Lucy.. SP was bullying Lucy and she slapt him strongly.. Popeye did not move and had a sort of submission towards Lucy. That why when i read in comments Lucy was Popeye ‘ mom i believed it.
    I want also to add that Maria is higher ranking than Popeye
    You easily see in a lot of videos

    Liked by 1 person

      • No ever said it was a “official” website. This was done out of the kindness of someone’s heart. You automatically discounted any information you have by saying Tima is Amari’s mother. If she was. Tima would be alpha. Duh….

        Liked by 4 people

      • No, Tima is not Amari’s mother. Out of the original three who started this troop, around 2008 – Amari, Lucy, and Tima – Tima is lowest rank. Watch how the monkeys interact with each other. They will tell you their rank.

        Liked by 1 person

      • All of this is the opinion of the website creator. Nothing is factual & Quarky’s info is so far off. Just because a monkey sits with another monkey or they look similar, it doesn’t mean a thing with these troops. It’s very deceiving. Show the proof. If not, it’s just someone trying to show off & boost their ego.


      • To “Anonymous” – Yes, this is all speculation, and it is pretty fun to do! I would love to see what information you can bring to the discussion, and don’t worry, I will know it has nothing to do with your ego, or showing off…lol! This is all in fun; nothing is written in stone.

        A long-time viewer who has been to Angkor Wat many times, for months at a time, who knows locals and who has worked with primatologists, gave me a lot of information, their screen name on Youtube is fleur swan. Ask that person about their information. Another longtime watcher, Suzanne, has spread sheets of birthdates…between the two of them, they gave information about the pre-2008 migration, the formation of Amari’s little troop,and birthdates back to 2010. So, if you know something different, by all means, bring it to the discussion! Happy watching! – Cindy

        Liked by 1 person

      • I just talked to Sochhun Ley in messenger, because of all if the crazy rumors going around, and he told me that there was no “Shumara” who gave birth to Amari, Daisy, Jollyroll, Diamon and Sumara, and that all three troops did not come from Carbzilla Troop. The troops were well-established when he first started keeping track, he says pre-2004-2005. He also said Popeye has always been blind in one eye, no birth-name “Bonnie,” no “original three” which can be confirmed by old videos, showing many older monkeys in Amari Troop who are no longer around, Chimo and Felix were not born into Amari Troop (crazy rumors!)…but, I still believe Dolly, Maria and Jill are all Amari’s offspring. Just none of the “gathering tree” and “monkeys fleeing through the forest,” although dramatic and makes a good story, is not accurate.


    • Hi Emanuela, I now believe Lucy is Popeyes mom, as Well! I kind of always have, to be honest, because of a certain family resemblance. Also, research leading to the discovery/theory that Amari, Lucy and Tima formed their own troop, in a time of great wildlife upheaval and rampant poaching.


    • POPEYE WAS SKIPPYS Queen for a week or so. this new arrangement even Maria was grooming Skippy “Rotten”. Skippy is a Global artisan with a practical approach to skin deep queen quality. He saw Popeyes Daniela mothering and protecting nurture way above Lethal Dolly. Achap probably clued Skippy in on Dolly Backstabbing ways. ‘Remember Achaps face about Ripped off by blackheart Dolly. Too bad it didnt last. We need an asset minder with ‘Cattle Prod’ to Zap DeeDee and Dolly when thy Lay one evil paw a defenseless baby. Besides this Money Making venture may not last long if we have YouTube censoring Sadistic videos my kids dont need to see Way long after Daniela is dead. How about RIP for


    • Unfortunately from what I’ve heard nearly all of the videos that are 2+ years old were lost when Socchun’s other accounts shut down by YouTube. There are some older videos taken by tourists but to my knowledge that’s the extent of it…

      Liked by 1 person

    • I just saw Dana get attacked yesterday.. popeye was there . Who was Dana close to when she sensed she was a target? Tima .. that’s right. Also I saw the two grooming one another. I thought then I think that is Dana’s mother. I know absolutely nothing about monkeys & would never claim to.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes. I believe Tima to be Dana and Merry’s mother. The dates match, plus the behaviors observed. Merry and Dana are big and little sister!


  8. Very interesting on everyone’s theory on family tree some I agree with and most I don’t LOL I know there’s always one in every crowd there’s one thing for sure I appreciate everybody that posted all of the information on the dates that they were born and the rank

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  9. With our recent tragedy, taking Amari and Lori out of the picture, I wonder who will step up as alpha female? Jill? Dolly? 🤔


    • Ashley, smartest, toughest. i wouldn’t underestimate any female adult monkey. if they can pull them selves up from a vine/branch one handed they are as strong as the males. old saying is how much fight in the dog. merry , dee dee, dolly, maria, many up and coming. dolly does do what she pleases and the fight exchange where the makeup drama howling at the moon was one of kind primate behavior i have never witnessed i doubt anyone has. this monkey breed is special.


  10. Hi I just stumbled upon this site as I was doing some research on the monkeys from anghor wat. Great information thanks for compiling the info. Oh, btw, it will need to be updated to include Sasha’s recent disappearance.. as well as Amari and Loris exit from the troop. I hope they are able to return.. to whatever is left of their troop by the time they get better…


      • has a male timo is alive and well cute sucker he is. keep king kong away from him. nasty monkey senile on little boys.


  11. If Amari was the queen of her group. do these macaques have the same system as the macaques in Jaipur where the queens youngest female child becomes queens heir? It was on a national geographic series called rebel monkeys.

    Liked by 1 person

    • From what I’ve seen with Amari group ALONE… there’s nothing typical or predictable about this troupe for the most part. They blow my mind. NOTHING I’ve read when trying to learn about LTM’s has been accurate really. I think all individuals are different and so is each group. They all work in their own ways.. and these being tourist monkeys.. with tons of human interaction and interference…most of their “natural” stuff is disrupted anyways. Also most if not all of these monkeys are hybrids somewhere down the line with mainly Pigtails.

      Liked by 1 person

      • True dat. Semi-domestication has mucked things up. Dolly has taken over…I do believe her to be Amari’s daughter, just the eldest, not the youngest. Maria is the middle daughter, and Jill the youngest, remaining with the troop. Jill is too gentle-natured for the job. Dolly has no problem putting her bitch britches on!

        Liked by 1 person

      • It would be interesting to see some research done on the affects of social media on the macaque population.


      • Well if u go on YouTube and check out some channels you’ll c it’s gotten real real real bad …so bad they may be banned from filming the monkeys anymore…it is so heartbreaking what they’ve done…😪


  12. Sorry but you made a big error in putting Tima “very low rank”. Tima is Amari’s mother!! Also, word has it PE is Jill’s mom. Not sure on the jill thing, but Tima is most definitely Amari’s mom.


    • People mistakenly say Popeye is Jill’s mom, because Amari was an indifferent mother…first daughter, so maybe that is why?…and Popeye took on the role of “allomother,” even allowing Jill to breastfeed. Jill was confused about it, too, so don’t feel bad. Also, Tima is not Amari’s mother. Amari became alpha when her mother, the prior alpha, died. I have never seen Amari pay any attention to Tima. She is very low-ranked, according to troop treatment of her. If you watch how other monkeys interact with her, you will see that every one of them strong-arm her, in some manner. Even Ashley, who should be lowest, being a released pet of a different sub-species. Some people also say Dana us Dolly’s, but Dana is treated like a low-ranked monkey, so I am leaning more toward Merry. I see Dana with Merry a lot. I never see Dana with Dolly, yet DeeDee and Sweetie are always with Dolly. (It’s like playing “Clue: Macaque Edition!”


      • Also Jill (Amari daughter) and Olive (Popeye son) are the same age – Olive was at first called a girl but in reality, it was a boy and the name stuck where some called him Olliver and some Ollie. I have seen them in the same video with Olive nursing on Popeye and Jill hanging out between her and Amari.


      • EXCEPT when Tima had Timo Amari seemed to be by her side most of the time and after he was born Amari stayed like she was keeping watch. I’ve not seen her pay that much attention to any other monkey but her children. I have also wondered if Tima was her mom and maybe quit being alpha cause she was too old and weak. I have read that amongst the Lon Tails that the succession rules are not as struct as among the Rhesus, so it would certainly make sense that Tima just stepped aside to sit in the sun with friend Lucy while Amari took on the responsibility.
        As far as Popeye, I have also wondered if Lucy was her Mom. She and Amari seem to hang out a lot and that would make sense if they were from two sisters (Tima and Lucy) who hung out together and raised children together.
        Of course in Long Tails and Rhesus all the females in the troop are related in some manner, except of course stray females like Ashley that are allowed to join.
        Just my thoughts on this Miss Quarky. 😉


      • Was Amari’s mother the one with the docked tail? I’ve seen an old tourist video with her, PE, Amari, Lucy, & Tima all in it. She looked like Amari in the face.. she was cute.


      • After more tesearch, I believe Jill is Amari’s third daughter. Dolly and Maria are one and two. Amari formed her own troop with Lucy and Tima at or before 2008. Popeye is Lucy’s, and Tima is Merry and Dana’s mom. The dates all match up, as well as the demonstrated rank.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Pe was having oli when Jill was born. Amari is Jills mother. All tge breeding females in Amari Troop that year, are all accounted fir. Amari is Jills mum. Dates of births are out there and can be proved, pe 1st baby was Oli.


  13. Okay, so here is what I believe I believe that if an alpha female has a sibling (recognized as her sister within the troupe since females stay within their troupe from birth to death) that they are up next as alpha or possibly whichever sister to alpha or daughter to alpha steps up first to the plate gets it after the alpha dies or is removed (might as well be considered a death) from their troupe. I also believe that dolly and merry are sisters because they look so much alike and since dolly is more dominant of course there can’t be two in one position of rank I think it goes down the line of number one highest, number two high, number 3 mid-high, number 4 mid-low rank, number 5 mid-low rank, number 6 low rank and so on. I think Sasha is merrys and Dana is Dolly’s

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    • I think Dolly & Merry are def sisters as well. I think Merry losing her hand is what caused her to become low ranking.. much like the alpha male once he loses a battle & is injured. Same with the older ones.. I have no idea where Lucy or Tima ranked originally but I think it’s the same as with the injured males.. once they get too old and/or weak to stand their ground.. they’re just another face in the crowd. Amari was a GREAT leader and kept order until she got sick. Dolly has a few good, leader qualities but she’s garbage. She isn’t scared of fighting ANY male though.. I will give her that. She & Popeye together are a force to be reckoned with. VIOLENT ladies they are lol


  14. Theirs a doctor in Ohio , Dr. William Wiley who did cataract surgery on a tamarin monkey at the Akron Zoo. I wish he could donate his services and fix Amari’s eyes because she is not that old and it would be better to release her than have her in a large cage ( ughhh..I hate that) like a zoo animal. She looked very depressed. I think Dolly and Merry are related ( they certainly look alike) and they both are confrontational about their children. Jill and Jack are definitely Amari’s.with out a doubt. I do wonder who Dana’s mother is…she looks alot like Jill. But I notice she’s always with Merry and no matter what happens Merry will not go after Dana ( even when upset over her child). Again, I just wish they would release Amari …I really likes her and she was a true aloha

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  15. Dr. William Wiley could fix her eyes. Cataract surgery takes about 20 minutes…so simple and tamarins are smaller than Macaques. I sure hope Amari is released! She’s too young to live her life stuck in a cage especially of she’s been will all her life. Free Amari please!

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  16. Just to say How did Merri have Dana and Sasha? Sasha was born in 2014, in 2013 and 2015 Merri had boys, No room for her to have a 2nd baby that year.Both Dana and Sasha were juveniles together and both had their 1st baby withing a couple of months of each other.. I have to add, Tima and Merri in 2014 were the only 2 females to have girls that year, The others all had boys. Merri didn’t have 2 babies in one year, there was no room for her too, from her baby in 2013 , having a girl 2014 and having Drew in 2015It is easily added up, that Merri isn’t the mother of Dana and Sasha


    • So who is??? Usually girls hang around their mothers even after their older and havr kids and Dana is always with Merri. I have seen a preoccupation of Dolly and Dee Dee with Dana…so who is Dana’s mother? Anyone know?? Fran


      • Right…who else could it be. And Merri never fights Dana…ever. Wonder why Dana is hardly around Tima. Its strange! And who is Dolly’s mother. I thought Dolly was Amari’s age. Curious how old she is. They say she is Amari’s daughter…i can see Maria because her and Jill look alike. I thought Amari was close in age to Dolly and Maria…Amari looked pretty string until she got sick


  17. I am very new to this, but am in love w/Achap! He is really why I tuned in! In my newness, there is Santra to consider! DeeDee loved him & had to watch her mother messing around w/him! Achap finally caught the two in a high tree! Dolly is heartless in every way, but…I thought I saw her fall from a tree after giving birth to Santa, leaving her an orphan! Popeye has since passed away due to childbirth, leaving her baby an orphan also! Plus, I saw Brutus “being killed” by a citizen who claimed that he had stolen his wine!! So very sad! I don’t think the citizen should have the “right” to abuse, let alone kill any animal! I thought it was cowardly of the citizen & he should have been tried & “imprisoned” Whole other World over there! Also, there is Baby Lola (who was attacked & crippled by a dog) whose mother is Leyla!? I would like to know that lineage?! Baby Charlee, Lola’s good friend lineage? A lot has happened…


    • Not to be rude but some things you said are absolutely incorrect. Popeye is not dead, Dolly did not give birth to Santa. She has Dee Dee and did have Sweetie!


      • You are correct, Frances! It wasn’t Dolly that fell out of the tree (unfortunately) it was Sandi! So sorry! Still, I believe Popeye had a breach birth! The VO had to pull the dead baby out because she could not pass it!


      • Hi, i did not see that..when did that happen?She had Olive, then Sweetpea, Polly (who died) and Polino. Dolly recently lost her baby…couple months back. But I didnt know they helped her give birth…she had the baby but it was born dead. Fran


    • The monkeys you are talking about, are around 300km from the Angkor Wat monkeys (Popeye, etc.). Santa and the other orphans are from Battambang Province, and Kampong Cham province (this site is about Angkor Wat monkeys, the hybrids aren’t on here). Lola is on the other side of Angkor Wat, several miles from Popeye’s Amari troop. Lola is in Carbzilla troop. There are many troops that are recorded by the Cambodians. They should come with a warning label, because they are addictive! Happy watching!


      • Hi, you seem to know alot about Anghor Wat…i want to go to Cambodia but dont know how or where to stay as i’ve never left the US. I am saving now for it…have you bee there alot?? Fran


  18. Hi Guys, I heard Amari’s eyesight is back to normal. Will they release her back to the wild, afterall, that was the main reason she was there besides her sugar problem…which half of the monkeys have??? Fran


    • I doubt it is back to n9rmal, diabetic cataracts n9rmally don’t improve without surgery. Her diabetes was so severe that she would no doubt need medication. I don’t think she nor Lori will ever return to Angkor Thom, though we would all love that to happen!


    • Amari was violently attacked by Amber Group! I don’t know how she even survived it! She was caught alone on their “turf” Right after that, they noticed her eyesight was bad! Now I am no Vet, but after seeing that attack… their has to be damaging results!


    • It would be nice if we could say for sure, but according to birth dates and sexes of babies that long-time watchers have, I am leaning toward Merry and Dana being sister’s, both Tima’s, and Sasha being Merry’s…but all of the declarations being made at this time, by people claiming that the Angkor Thom
      Troops all came from Carbzilla Troop at Angkor Wat, are very confusing. I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it is making less and less sense!


  19. I saw that Brutus was shot while comforting some of his troupe, by a man who says that Brutus stole his wine! Very hard to watch the clip! Lola was attacked by mean dogs which attributes to her bodily injuries! Lori had been kidnapped and tortured & fell from a high tree…presumably dead, but not! How does Dolly rate into all of this? I thought she was “queen” due to her relationship to King Achap?!


    • Brutus was actually poisoned. I saw him during the poison taking effect, and in his death throes.

      “Queen” has nothing to do with “Kings,” and everything to do with bloodlines. Alpha is inherited in female macaque society.

      We know that Maria and Jill are Amari’s daughters, Sochhun said as much, in an older video, where he was talking about baby Kari (Maria’s daughter) getting a rise in status, if anything happened to Amari. However, when something DID happen to Amari, we were scratching our heads over Dolly taking over. But some of us think we have figured it out.

      Long-time watchers have spreadsheets of birth dates. They have Dolly’s birth year as 2010. There is a video on YouTube from 2011 called “Monkeys at Angkor Wat” that shows Amari – much younger, and chunkier – nursing a male infant, while a juvenile is sitting near her, and running to her side, that looks *just like DeeDee.* Suzanne did some side-by-side screenshots, and the resemblance is remarkable! We all know that yearlings still spend a lot of time with their moms, who are nursing new infants (just as adult females spend a lot of their time with their mothers, once they start bearing infants, themselves). We believe that Dolly is Amari’s eldest daughter. That’s why it was easily accepted by the rest.

      If you watch Dolly and Amari, together, when Amari was still alpha, they obviously hve a very close relationship, and act like mother-daughter (I thought it was sisters, but, with the birth year, and video…) Amari and Dolly would tit-for-tat, Amari let Dolly get by with WAY more than any other female, and Amari would defend Dolly, always, when there was an issue with another troop member.

      Normally, it would be the youngest daughter, according to research papers, but Dolly is big, assertive, and fits the role, well.

      Liked by 1 person

      • then why if Dolly was the next in line would Dolly viciously torture Lori when she was already on her death-bed Amari pretending she cant see but can spot an ear of corn or a small lotus seed from tibet. Then amari not only “blind’ she deaf as a hen-pecked husband. Dolly torture Lori and Lori torture ‘Viewers’ with mnon-stop whistling for help. I noticed Daniela was smarter than LORI she completely realized Dana was POS mom as the day with the ‘Jaws of Angel’ Santra drew near Daniela refused to ask Dana for help and miracualy pulled off the Dramatic ‘Crab-eating’ Macaque shakesrearian war with DeeDee skit and almost met her way to heaven I many times in that role. ‘Who trains them to act? If that is a freak of nature someone should tell National Geographic. Never seen ANY animal in the wild involve the whole troop in impressing tourists when no monkey there has the intelligence to train the rest of troop. And who trained Maci,Polino, Maddix? Ive watched 100’s of ankor wat video’s in past 2 years and ive only seen one carbzilla group passion play between weaning goof-balls and the kidnapper helpers. ALSO next to last day Dolly was Slapping Daniela to and fro relentlessly Daniela was rolling around making fun of Dolly like hit me again Bitch it dont hurt, “Burn in Hell’ with DeeDee! It was so bizarre Danielas last 2 days. Ghettos in America dont have the malaise of evil Amari troop. Thank God Achep,Donkey, and King Kong got out saw the light. Poor Popeye and her kids are being corrupted. God Bless you all including your god and his glory. Chuck Bright


      • There are readers that after seeing videos, they say that Dolly may have usurped the alpha position by kidnapping Jill’s baby, Brutus Jr. Jill was supposed to be the female Alpha, but maybe she yielded because she was terrorized by the constant kidnapping of her baby.


      • The rumors are out of control, this year! I have never seen so many…particularly with family trees! That is why I always put “I believe” or, “it is my opinion,” because I don’t want people believing that my ideas are fact, regarding family ties, when they are just speculation. (We need DNA!!) If I know something to be a fact, I will say so. 🐒 If I am speculating, I will say that, too! 🐒🐒

        Liked by 2 people

  20. Amari’s troop members by December 2019

    Dolly – current Alpha female. Offspring: Deedee and Sweetie (both females)
    Jill – Offspring; Brutus Jr. (M) and Jilla (F)
    Deedee – DOA. Offspring: Delena (F)
    Popeye – Offspring: Oliver, Sweetpea, Polly (F) and Polino. The rest are males.
    Maria – Offspring: Kari (F), Aiden (M) and Maddix (M)
    Tima – Offspring: Timo (M) (It’s believed that she may be Amari’s mother – not confirmed).
    Dana – Offspring: Donny (M) and Daniela (F)
    Lucy – Oldest female. (It’s believed that she may be mother of Popeye, Skippy [current male alpha] and other males that live in Amber’s troop, like Loki and Chimo – not confirmed)

    Skippy – current Alpha male.
    Marcus – previous Alpha male.
    Drew – almost adult male, eldest son of Merry
    Felix – oldest male
    Santra – forest monkey (unconfirmed) brought to the troop by Donkey.

    From Amari – Jill and Jack (M)
    From Merry: Drew, Sherry (F) and Maci (F)
    From Sasha: Jessie (F)

    Former members
    Donald (presumed dead) – previous alpha male. Left the troop to the forest after becoming sick. Succeed by Brutus.
    Oliver (left the troop) – eldest son of Popeye. Left the troop before Polly’s birth.
    Jace (left the troop) – Son of Amari.
    (Not sure if these two boys left the troop on their own or if they were kidnapped).
    Brutus (killed, poisoned) – previous alpha male. Maybe was brother of Marcus (unconfirmed). Took the leadership after Donald. Succeed by Achap.
    Sasha (disappeared, presumed dead) – Merry’s eldest daughter and mother of Jessie.
    Amari (sent to sanctuary) – former alpha female. Offspring: Dolly (current alpha female), Jill, Jace (M), Jack (M) and Lori (F). Succeed by Dolly.
    Lori (sent to sanctuary with her mom Amari). Both mom and daughter still in WLA.
    Polly (dead by accident) – Popeye’s daughter. Killed by a car.
    Aiden (disappeared) – Maria’s son. Could have been kidnapped.
    Sweetie (disappeared) – DOA.
    Dolly in 2019 had a stillborn baby.
    Daniela (killed by Santra) – Dana’s baby.
    Achap (left the troop) – former alpha male. Left the troop to the forest and still there. Succeed by Marcus and Skippy.
    Merry (disappeared) – Offspring: Sasha, Drew, Sherry and Maci. Whereabouts unknown.

    Note: Dana is with VOs recovering from wounds. At this date, nobody knows when she’s coming back to the troop.

    This is what I see on the videos about this troop. If you know more info or if I have wrong info, please write here.


    • Dolly was taken to the same place Dana is at after giving birth to Dalton dolly has died from complications of birth Dalton is now an orphan..


      • Yes…unfortunately whoever is taking care of Dalton dresses him up in children’s clothing…I hate when humans do that. So sad that he couldn’t be raised with his family.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Can you tell me if there are licensed vets to treat sick and/or injured monkeys in the area?


    • It is believed that Dolly, Maria are also Amari’s daughters…which seems right since they were always with her as with most mother macaques and offsprings


      • Really??? Thank you for letting me know that. Wonder where Dolly’s son is….probably at the same place as Dana and why haven’t they released Dana back to Amari…she has been at this place a long time.


  21. Where are all the monkeys going? There arew to many to count that are gone with no explanation? All the orphan babies, Kari, Popeye( I dont beleive for a second she was killed in a fight) I have not seen Santra in a while, One hand mary..The list goes on and on…Is anyone concernend with whats happening there to these monkeys?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Very concerned. It’s like, “What is happening to them?”. I thought they had “park patrol”…very suspicious Merri, Popeye and Kari missing….extremely suspicious!


    • Santra is living next to the savanna baby monkey team He’s still killing babies there are 4 Babies in the last 3 months that have been badly injured by Sandra The newest baby Candy in savanna team has been injured very bad. First she fell off a tree last week broke her nose has black eyes and bloody nose swollen face next day sanktra bit her foot really bad. Then about a day or two later sanktra bit baby candy on the side of her back causing a big hole you can see her intestines hanging out do to the corona virus had the park on lockdown it was said the VO were taking the baby candy for treatment I don’t understand why the cameraman say the can’t help or feed these savanna team monkeys while on lockdown when their right there filming them ! There have been many replacements of bad monkeys to other areas Why I hasn’t santra been moved he injures baby monkeys in his troop So if you want interesting Ps I think sanktra needs to be put down permanently I don’t know why their allowing this behavior. Baby Ronnie and baby rollo are still in the wildlife sanctuary having medical treatment do to santra biting them to I pray Candy is there also. Baby Brandi and baby ale are also recovering there too. Well folks that about all I know. I haven’t seen anything knew on candy yet. Ty Trisha


      • Two different alpha monkeys with very close spellings of their names… leads to confusion

        Sankra Alpha monkey attacking now
        Santra – different monkey

        Drives me crazy the way they choose names/ and then don’t bother spelling them correctly.


  22. The Amari Troop was like watching a beautiful Soap Opera from the beginning to the end. So many wonderful characters. Sweet Pea, Popeye, Merry and all her children, especially Maci and Sasha, Beautiful Dane and baby Daniela, Beautiful baby Jessie, the Matriarch Amari and baby Lori, Tima and baby Timo, Jill and BJ and Jilla, Old Lucy, so many of the juvenile and big males. Achep, Marcus, Donald, Brutus, Felix, Jack, Aiden, Donny, Joey, some I prefer not to mention. There’s a story to each one, but now the majority of them are gone. At first I saw it like a Soap Opera, but then I began to look at it like a Movie with no Ending until most of the beautiful females, and characters died or were killed. It was Sad enough when a lot of them were dying away, but when Popeye died, She was the I-con, That’s when the Music Died, thus the Movie came to an End for me, a Sad Ending. But I will always remember the Beautiful Amari Troop

    Liked by 1 person

      • I feel the same way…sort of. I still love Amari Troop but their are not a lot of older female members anymore with Amari, Merri, Dolly and Popeye gone. It’s just the way life goes in monkey world. But Popeye, Merri and Kari’s death is really suspicious

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  23. Maci is still with Amari Troop..not missing. Why they haven’t returned Dana to Amari troop is perplexing…she’s been in this sanctuary place (someone back yard) in a cage…forever. She should have recovered by now. And (another troop)..=they took Lola away and haven’t returned her to Leyla too

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  24. Suspicious deaths? Fake rescues? Troop database that hasn’t been updated in 4 years? Yes, there is a reason. The Scambodian VOs had been exposed.

    • Poisoning water & juice bottles
    • Feeding them marbles to break teeth
    • staging accidents & injuries to babies
    • shaking trees & branches to cause babies to fall
    • feeding lowborn babies in the presence of highborns to knowingly cause attacks
    • Stealing babies on & off camera & relocating them to seem “abandoned
    • Using slingshots & marbles to injure & knock monkeys out of trees



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