Chat Tutorial

This is just a walkthrough for how to join the chat and what to do if you are having issues with the chat that is embedded on the website in the sidebar.

If you are having any issues with the chat embedded on the website, click on this URL to go directly to the chat web page.Β

Joining the Chat:

You will see a “Wanna Join?” button. Click on the button. This will bring up a menu that gives you three options for joining.

    1. Join with just typing your YouTube name into the box and press enter.
    2. Join with your Facebook.
    3. Join with your Twitter.

Please keep in mind that if you connect using your Facebook and Twitter your personal name will appear in the chat if that is what you have on your Facebook or Twitter. If you don’t want this to happen, just type in your name.Β 

If you are still having issues joining the chat, please contact me, and I’ll help you sort it out. πŸ™‚

Signing out of the Chat:

Chat embedded on the website: Click on the three lines in the upper right-hand corner.

Directly from Website: Click on the circle in the upper right-hand corner.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why do some people have pictures/avatars next to their names and mine doesn’t?Β 

If you sign up with Facebook or Twitter, the chat will take your profile picture and insert it into the chat. If you’d like to have an avatar consider making a fake Twitter account and uploading one there.

Oops! I said something I didn’t want to share how do I delete my message?Β 

You can delete your message by clicking on the small dots on the right side of the message.

Can I message someone privately?Β 

Not at this time. This chat doesn’t support this function, but if more people come to use the chat and would like to have the ability to do that I’ll upgrade the chat. πŸ™‚ Please let me know if that’d be something that interests you!

I don’t know when someone responds to me, is thereΒ a way to be notified?Β 

Yes! You can turn on notifications and sounds in the same menu that you can change your theme. I have a walkthrough with pictures below under additional features.

Additional Features:

This chat doesn’t have many, but if you’d like to change the color of your chat you have 4 options. In the same menu, you can also turn on notifications and sounds so you can be notified of new messages in the chat. πŸ™‚

To change your theme for the chat embedded on the website. Click on the three lines then click on the circle and finally choose your theme. You can toggle notifications and sounds in this menu as well.

Don’t use the dark/black theme. You will not be able to read the text you type. It is not compatible with the chat embedded in the sidebar for some reason.Β 

To change your theme for the chat directly from the website click on the circle icon and then choose your theme. You can choose the dark theme when using the direct website for the chat. You can toggle notifications and sounds in this menu as well.

3 thoughts on “Chat Tutorial

  1. Quickly!
    Hi! You are AMAZING!!! From a lurker to all of this, wow! I am very appreciative of this as I draw and it is difficult to get good screenshots of the monkeys that show them in a way to expose any identifying marks so I basically only have the top few monkeys in my sketchbook it will be more rewarding to have the full variety. I don’t know if you are aware that before each video Sochhun has a looking list naming the troupe, (groups, troops?) Listing their title etc. Just click on the little arrow up at the start but you will want to do it soon and run a print out of it because I believe that YouTube is making him shorten his intro. You probably know all of that but my Dad always told me that it is better to share info than to wish that yo had. The only other thing that I CA think of is about the faq about erasing. On my kindle fire if I am in mobile mode I cannot erase, or I don’t know how. There are no 3 little dots. All I have to do is to go into desktop mode and erase away. You are way more computer advanced then I am so you probably know this but it may help someone. Thank you for doing this. Take care!
    This is from Bellesmom2014


    • Hi Belle,

      Aww, thank you! I’m glad you like the website. πŸ™‚ I’m still working on getting back to it. It was put on hiatus for a bit because I’ve been taking care of my Mom. She hurt her back recently so I haven’t been able to update this as often as I’d like to.

      Oh! I never thought that would be a benefit to this website. I try really hard to get clear screenshots of the monkeys, which is why it takes me a while to get their pages put together.

      I always appreciate information. Never fear sharing information with me – even if you think I may know it. I used his original lists to populate the Troop pages. He recently added more monkeys on so I’ll have to grab ​them. Thanks for reminding me!

      Hm, I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to describe. Do you mean when you’re typing a comment you can’t erase it? I’d be happy to put it on the FAQ if that’s a problem you are encountering. πŸ™‚

      Thanks again for all the information and it’s nice seeing a new face here! I hope the website is useful for you. πŸ™‚


  2. Baby monkeys need to be cuddled, fed, and kept WARM, just like human babies. Why do the people with cameras uncover them just to film them sleeping? It is why babies snuggle in the mothers long, WARM fur. Also, clothing on the tiny babies needs to stop. If you can’t fashion diapers to super small size find some way that will allow their tiny legs to hang normal and not be held out at the sides unnaturally.


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