These are just general questions I see pop up a lot. If there are others that you’d like to see in this section either post a comment or contact me.

Q: Where are these Monkeys located?
A: They live in and around the Angkor Temple Complex. It’s located in Cambodia.

Q: Are these captive or wild Monkeys?
A: These are wild Monkeys that have become used to interacting with humans since people have been bringing them food.

Q: Is there just one Troop?
A: No, there are multiple Troops in the area. We currently follow 3 main ones

Q: What type of Monkeys are they?
A: Long Tailed Macaques, Pigtail Macaques and a hybrid of both Long Tailed and Pigtailed.

Q: What are the Green Fruit with Pods in them? 
A: They are called Lotus Pods. When eaten, the monkey will take out each of the pods and then peel the outer green shell from them. Some monkeys will eat them like that, but some will continue to peel off the white shell as well. 

Lotus Pod

Q: What other fruits and veggies do the Monkeys get fed? 
A: You’ll regularly see them eating corn, cucumber, mangos, rambutans, coconuts, bamboo with sticky rice inside (you’ll see them open them), sugar cane, peanuts, longan fruit and an assortment of human junk food as well. 

13 thoughts on “FAQ

    • To be honest, I wouldn’t know because I’m not around them. I would assume they would have a smell just as all other animals do. 🙂 I have wondered about it as well considering how many are in such a small area.


      • I’ve heard from numerous people who own monkeys claim their smell can become unbearable, and even the clean ones stink bad too


  1. Why do you rank Tima so low. I have watch video’s recorded in 2013 and 2014 and read so many comments that refer to Tima as being Amari and Dolly’s mother. They even discuss tima was alpha before Amari. Where you gather data on the Monkey’s in 2013? So what data are you using to Rank Tima so low?


    • Rank decreases with age, so the senior ladies are by default the lowest ranked. Well, I guess it’s not that rank decreases, but every new child is ranked higher than the one before


      • Which is strange, but that’s what happens. When the Alpha female dies / becomes too old and feeble to kick ass any longer, her YOUNGEST (adult, i’m guessing?) daughter becomes the new head lady monkey in charge. Maybe this is some Darwinian thing, where the oldest daughter would be more likely to also be too old soon moreso than the youngest daughter who can potentially rule for the longest time and has the most potential to still have plenty of babies, which would help guarantee that she will have multiple healthy daughters around when she gets old as well, etc.


    • Tima is not Dolly’s mother nor is she Amari’s mother. She was never Queen. Dolly’s mother was named Veasna and she died right after Dolly’s birth January 2, 2010. Amari raised her. At the time the troop was named Srolang. Tima was born July 14, 1994. The offspring we know about are Dana born about 2015 and who was the mother of Daniella and Donny. Today in 2024, DOnny is one of the strong males in Amber and is a follower of Joey. Tima had another daughter named Heather born January 8, 2017 and a son named Timo born February 22, 2018 who was being trained by Chimo and Felix to be a front soldier in Amari. Because he was becoming vicious he was taken in a relocation round up Dec 30, 2020. Tima has been said to be the oldest living long tailed Macaque in Angkor Wat. She will be 30 this July.


  2. Sasha isn’t lower than Amari, because she kidnapped Lori, Amari’s baby. What alpha female allows her baby to be kidnapped by a low-ranking female?!


    • What alpha female allows her baby to be kidnapped by a low-ranking female?! One who is so ill with diabetes she has gone blind and cannot produce milk for her baby. Sasha also fed Dolly’s Sweetie because dolly refused. She was not kidnapping. She was performing acts of kindness. Amari’s Lori and Dolly’s Sweetie also nursed from Popeye which drove Sweet Pea crazy.


  3. Absolutely love your blog!! I was wondering if these groups fight amongst each other, or are they peaceful?


  4. It would be nice to have a map showing the usual territory of each troop. I know the lines would be kinda blurry or overlapping, and it might not be exact but it sure would be cool to at least have a basic geographical reference. Maybe some longtime viewer has already made such a map … or if you’re in contact with local people maybe one of them could assist?


    • There really are no boundrise as the troops that live in the jungle and occasionally show up at the temple grounds for junk food travel well into Vietnam. The Temple monkey’s such as Popeye, Janet, Amari ,Lori,Brutus and DeDe are products of 30 years of tourism with little control over vendors and humans feeding them. These monkey’s are not considered wild by definition nor tame, they are humanized. What these new Video pirates do not show is the shear numbers of Long tails and Pig tails in the 20 mile radius they travel….Some troops have up to 80-100 monkey’s and others as little as 5-10….. ANOTHER MYTH…..There is no! one father for the offspring as a female will have as many as 18 males to as few as 5 and I find it amusing when you tube monkey junkies claim to know who the father is or when these VO’s call them daughter and son….Food motivation is the key factor and these VO’s have gone as far as to trap, injure and kill monkey’s for footage to sell to you tube……WHEN YOU TUBE MANS UP AND QUITS MONETIZING THESE PIRATES AND ANIMAL ABUSERS YOU WILL SEE LITTLE TO NO VIDEOS…….I visit Angkor each year and watch what these fools do to sell videos and pictures…One other issue…..Still as of today the 4th of Nov 2019 there are no Trained or Professional Veterinarians in Cambodia…These people who claim this are snake oil salesmen and are the ones who cause the injuries to the monkey’s Keep supporting wildlife abuse by subscribing to these assholes channels…..


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