
April is part of a tight knit family. She just had her first born son, Rain, this year. Her mom Daisy and her sister May are always close by. Since April is still a young adult female she tends to engage in a lot of play behavior with May. You can see the two sisters quarreling often, because May likes to take food from April or grab at April to irritate her. April enjoys partaking in a game of “ring around Daisy”, which is when April will chase May around Daisy. Most of the time Rain will end up in Daisy’s arms to be out of harm’s way, because the two sisters can get intense when playing. You will commonly see April disciplining other troop members and a lot of times they will submit to April as well, which leads us to believe that she is a fairly high ranking female. April is very protective of her family and will not hesitate when running into fights with her family – either to be the aggressor or to defend them.

Troop: Queen
Rank: High
Defining Characteristics:

  • She has a warm brown patch of fur on the top of her head.
  • She has a very clean face and doesn’t have any fur sticking out around her face.
  • Her ears come to a rounded point.
  • Her right nipple is purple/gray and pink at the tip and her left nipple gradients from purple gray to light pink.
    • Her right nipple is larger than her left and it’s also flatter than her left.
  • She has a thinner coat of fur than other individuals in her troop.

2 thoughts on “April

  1. Hello Sochun how are you today my name is Kimberlynn on you tube and my whole name at the moment is Kimberly Dawn Fraley I comment often sometimes sometimes bad lol I say it as I see it just like anyone else I also comment on my fiance’s name Nicholaus Lynn it might just be Nick Lynn I’m not exactly sure oops lol I go by Kimberlynn because it’s a combination of my name and his name if common law marriage existed in Indiana we would be considered married after being together for 7 yrs. We’ve been together for almost 9 yrs ♥:-) . I know you’re a busy man but your list on you tube needed a touch up we or I thought daisy was a new name but in fact she has a couple of baby’s and now she has a new baby that you named Rey but I call him sweet baby Ray because here in the US we has a very good barbecue sauce called sweet baby Ray’s and it is awesome! Anyway just wanted to touch base and give you some info about myself you are doing a great job and getting better everyday the only complaint I had earlier was the naming situation otherwise your darn near perfecto! Have a wonderful and keep them vids a rolling lol 😉


    • Hi Kimberly,

      I’m not Sochhun, just someone who likes the monkeys. 🙂 Aww, congratulations on your relationship – 9 years is a long time to be with someone. It takes a lot of love to stick together like that.

      I have been busy with real life stuff (lame, right?), so I’m behind on filling out the new names of all the babies. 🙂 Thanks for letting me know that there is a new little one to add to that family. They’re one of my favorites!


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