How to take a Screenshot

If I haven’t listed your device on here and you’d like to help, please contact me and I’ll help you figure out how to take a Screenshot on your device. 🙂


  1. Fullscreen your video and wait until the words “Press esc to exit fullscreen” goes away.
  2. Press the “Print Screen” (⎙ PrtScr) key on your keyboard.
  3. Open Paint.
  4. Paste the screenshot. (ctrl + v)
  5. Save Screenshot. Please make sure to name the file the name(s) of the Monkeys in it.
  6. When emailing me the Screnshots, please make sure to write which monkey it is as the subject.

For additional options for how to create a screenshot, please click here. It will take you to a wiki how that has more detailed information.


  1. Fullscreen your video and wait until the words “Press esc to exit fullscreen” goes away.
  2. Press command + shift + 3 all together at once.
  3. Go to your desktop and your Screenshot should be there.
  4. Double click on it and rename the file to the name(s) of the Monkeys in it.
  5. When emailing me the Screnshots, please make sure to write which monkey it is as the subject.

For additional options for how to create a screenshot, please click here. It will take you to a wiki how that has more detailed information.

iPhone or iPad:

  1. Fullscreen your video.
  2. Once your video is paused on the picture you’d like to Screenshot. Locate your Home button and your Wake/Sleep button. Press both of the buttons at the same time. You should hear a click.
  3. Your Screenshot will be in your Photos.
  4. To email a photo click on the photo you want to email.
  5. Then click on the box with an arrow going up out of it. It will bring up a lot options for sharing the Screenshot. Choose “Mail”.
  6. When emailing me the Screenshots, let me know in the subject line what the name(s) of the Monkey(s) are.
    1. If you are using this method please create one email and attach images of that specific Monkey and their baby in that email. Please, don’t attach images of multiple Monkeys in an email. I’m trying to make sure I don’t get confused who is who. You can attach as many images as you’d like as long as they pertain to the Monkey(s) in the subject line.
    2. Example: Popeye is the email subject. In this email I will only attach pictures of Popeye.
    3. Example: If it’s a Mom and Baby: Popeye and Sweet Pea is the email subject. In this email I will only attach pictures of Popeye and Sweet Pea. The images can be of both of them together or apart.

For additional options for how to create a screenshot, please click here. It will take you to a wiki how that has more detailed information.

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