Jollyroll’s Troop

Monkeys are listed in alphabetical order. Below each Infant and Juvenile I’ve included their Birthdays and the day they died. If you know any birthdates/dates of death that I’m missing or believe one of them is wrong please let me know.

PT = Pigtailed Monkey
? = Unsure
n/a = Not Applicable or Don’t know if they have any
O.N.N. = Offspring Not Named
M.N.N. = Mother Not Named
D.O.A. = Daughter of Alpha
S.O.A. = Son of Alpha
B. = Born
D. = Died

Color Codes:
Grey = Deceased
Blue = Left Troop
Orange = Potential Offspring
Green = Hybrid [Pigtail/Longtail]

Female Rank Youngest Juvenile Eldest Mature
Aunt Bea Very Low Goober [M] n/a n/a n/a
Bella (PT) ? O.N.N [M] n/a n/a n/a
Big Bertha Very High Ginger [F] George [M] Albert [M] n/a
1-20-18 B: 2-17-17
Brinn ? Bree [F] n/a n/a n/a
Carbzilla Low O.N.N Cavan [M] Possum [F] n/a
B: 8-13-16
Carla Very Low Charles [M] Carlos [M] n/a n/a
Connie ? Chikis [M] n/a n/a n/a
Cruella ? n/a n/a n/a n/a
Ella (PT) ? Belley [M] n/a n/a n/a
Grace Low Patty [F] Emma [F] n/a Brinn
2-10-18 3-24-17
Halo ? Miranda n/a n/a n/a
Jollyroll Alpha Tito [M] Apple [F] Trey [M] Tara [F]
2-4-18 B: 3-6-17
D: 3-7-17
Leyla ? n/a n/a n/a n/a
Maddie ? Billy [M] n/a n/a n/a
B: 2-10?-17
Peggy ? Prak [M] n/a n/a n/a
Sumara Very Low Amara [ F] n/a n/a n/a
Tara D.O.A. Chris [M] n/a n/a n/a
M.N.N. ? Cliffy [M] n/a n/a n/a
B: 3-8-17
Male Rank General Info
Albert Mid to High Bertha’s subadult Son
Balu Beta Male Used to Invade with Fluffy
Fluffy Current Alpha Originally an Invader
Gim ? Used to be seen with Cavan
Laddie ? Albert’s Friend
Tomson Former King
Trey S.O.A. Jollyroll’s subadult son
Trumpa Old Former King

19 thoughts on “Jollyroll’s Troop

    • Hi Dianne,

      Thank you for visiting! For future posts, when you click on the comment box right below it you can fill in a name so that you’re not Anonymous. 🙂 I hope you enjoy the website!


    • Angel – Oh! That’s a fantastic​ idea. I hadn’t thought to put pictures next to their names. I’ll see if I can recode the table so that I can add in an image for each name. 🙂 If you find anything interesting during your digging please let me know. I’m always looking for additional information on these monkeys. Thank you for the suggestion!


    • Hello!

      When he first started his channel we followed Carbzilla, so calling it “Carbzilla’s Troop” kind of stuck. You’re right though, Jollyroll is the Alpha Female of that troop right now. 🙂


  1. Was this site forgotten about 😦 ? It’s really the perfect idea if you could get an assistant that could stay on top of it.. Whoever decided to create this website has the right idea but in order to get people to do by as well as to get them to be interested and enjoy it at the same time it must be kept up to date or its a waist of money for the creater it’s the perfect way to get to know our Angkor Wat monkeys and it’s very aggravating to be part of something that is suppose to help us when it’s not doing anything but being destroyed 😥 please find someone that will assist you and keep this site up to date because if it’s not kept up you will not gain more interest and will lose the ones you already have. I wish I knew alot more because I would be more than glad to help but sadly that’s why I liked coming here in the first place so that I could learn more 😉 ♥♥♥ just a thought ♥♥♥


  2. Btw I’ve read your information on updating this bk in December and I totally understand how busy you are and the importance of the other job but if I’m not mistaking …. Having this website cost money right?? And can we update it through our comments like listing new baby’s and dates etc. If so I can do that if it helps otherwise I won’t waist time because it’s been crazy here lately lol so so many baby’s I have to take pictures and put them
    The info on them otherwise I would be extremely lost and to overwhelmed to try and keep up. I promise that I’m not being mean I’m just trying to give ya the umph ( push) to get it going . I like yu and a appreciate what you do. And in some areas I could be a bit t help to ya such as the new change in YouTube’s policy etc. Alot of people were confused but I went and read the entire information and people were very confused by it but thanks again I just wanted you to know that I mean no disrespect love always your friend ( I hope ) always Kimberly 🙂 🙂 🙂 ♥♥♥


    • Hi Kimberly,

      I just finished my job so I’m back to updating this. 🙂 This website is free. I set it up that way so that it wouldn’t cost anything to maintain if I got busy with other boring life activities.

      While working I’ve been watching the videos when I have time and you’re right it’s a baby boom right now! It’s interesting that all the females seem to give birth at around the same time every year with the exception of a few that are off and have infants a little later.

      Youtube’s policy changes have been confusing for a lot of people. I think that since a lot of individuals just watch monkeys on YouTube they weren’t aware of what was happening. I’ve been keeping up to date with that as well. Hopefully, YouTube won’t change how creators are affected anymore. I know a lot of smaller creators are struggling now with the demonitizaion of their channels.

      No offense taken! I felt really bad that I had to step away from updating this website. The website was always a side project for me and something that I kept up for myself while viewing the monkeys. I opened up to help other people. If people leave comments I can add the information onto the website. I could make people authors so they could write pages, but it does take a little bit of knowledge and coding (when it comes to tablets and other elements).


  3. Cavan died in June 2017. That was a turning point to me watching the videos and they havent been the same to me since then. I know Cabzilla had another baby in 2017? that was born dead Ive wondered if she is pregnant or has had another baby in 2018. We dont see very many videos of this troop any more, a few of Possum when she was on her kidnapping craze. I believe Possum was born in 2015 wouldnt that make her old enough to have a baby by now? Maybe it is best for this troop if they are not filmed much any more, look at poor Amari’s troop. I will always remember how excited I would be every night to watch videos of Cabzilla and Cavan and lately I was so glad to see that someone has added those back to youtube. I thought that they were lost forever. Sochhun did a wonderful job filming those and I would love to see something like Animal Planet to make those into a short series.


    • No.. Brinn isn’t Big Bertha’s daughter..

      Brinn is higher ranked then Big Bertha.. that’s why Brinn kidnapped Big Bertha’s babies (and many others). And you clearly see how Big Bertha submitting and making the fear expression to Brinn every time..


  4. New births for this troop:
    Lola (F), mother Leyla, born Mar 17, 2019
    Toni (F), mother Tara, born Apr 3, 2019


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