
Joey is Merry’s son. When he was born he was mistaken for being female so you might see people refer to him as “Joy”. Joey was born around the holidays, which is why his name was “Joy”. The behavior that Joey picked up on is interesting. Merry is an avid groomer and she is always seen grooming other troop members. Since Joey is always around Merry he has picked up on grooming and is now seen grooming adults and his peers. When someone is in distress he’ll always try grooming them to calm them down. Joey is a typical little boy monkey. Now that he’s not as dependent on Merry he’s generally found with the other boys roughhousing and asserting dominance. Joey also spends a lot of time around the adult males. Merry is currently weaning Joey. He still gets to enjoy nursing, but the sessions are now only a few times a day – during his nap time and grooming sessions.

Troop: Amari
Rank: Low
Defining Characteristics:

  • He has a large dark brown patch of fur on the top of his head.
  • He has small dark brown patches of fur on his cheeks.
  • The fur on top of his head always looks as it has been flattened.
  • His crown hairs will also sometimes have a little cowlick.

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