
Maria is currently raising her daughter, Kari. She looks to be on the younger side as she has a more youthful face than Popeye or Amari. When Kari was born Maria didn’t seem interested in her infant. There were times that Maria would leave Kari in distress and Amari would pick her up and hold her ventrally. Even as Kari ages Maria still doesn’t take a whole lot of interest in her. Now that Kari is a bit more demanding and bossy you will see her get more nursing time. It’s unfortunate that Kari has to be unrelenting to get attention from Maria. Most of the time, you will only see Kari with Maria if she is trying to nurse or nap. Maria is a low-ranking monkey and lately, Dolly has been “reminding” Maria of her rank by pulling on Kari.

Troop: Amari
Rank: Low
Defining Characteristics:

  • She has a large warm brown patch of fur on top of her head.
  • Her ears are completely dark grey.
  • She has symmetrical skinny pink nipples.
  • She has no visible scars on her body.

4 thoughts on “Maria

  1. Maria is not a low ranking monkey. Maria enjoys a higher ranking than Popeye, Merri and Tima. Maria is the same rank as Jill and was the same rank as Dolly. Now that Dolly is the Alpha female of the troop, Maria does not share the same rank as her, but she is not low rank.


  2. The webmaster should change the class of hierarchy for these monkeys if a mistake is found. It would be helpful to all of us.


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