
I’m going to be using the “Blog” section of this website to update everyone on the website’s progress and potentially things that I’m specifically looking for. It will also be the section where I’ll be asking for opinions on what people would like to see on this website.

I have recently received a lot of screen shots from different individuals. I’m currently in the process of sorting them, labeling them and getting them ready to upload onto the website along with that specific monkey’s bio. If you don’t see your screen shots up that’s the reason. 🙂 I do appreciate everyone who has submitted something to this website!

Also, just a heads up, if you do see an advertisement on this website I do not make any money off of them. The reason they are there is because I’m using a free version of Word Press for this website. If I decide to upgrade it the ads will go away. 🙂

Thanks everyone! I’ll be back with a new update soon.

9 thoughts on “Updates

  1. Thank you for creating this website. I know it is a TON of work for you to do, and it is appreciated. I am constantly referring back to this website when I can’t figure out who is who. Thanks again.


    • Pat – Aww, thank you for the kind words. I’m really just happy to hear that it’s been a good resource for you. The whole purpose of this website was to help people identify the monkeys. 🙂 I appreciate you visiting the site and leaving such a kind compliment.

      I’m actually looking for feedback on something, I’m currently trying to figure out a good way to spread the website without imposing upon the videographer’s channels. Do you have any ideas?


      • Hi there, y’all still working on updating this? I have a lot of side convos off YT and you’ve put A LOT of work into it. no need to create the wheel unless this is a closed group and I just sneaked in


  2. I have a spread sheet with lots of information to share to much to type in this space. Do you have an email address I will this it to you as an attachment.


  3. Is it possible for you to give us a list of names for the long tails & pigtails, called Heidi troupe I believe .It lives in a mom.region quite a way from Ankor Wat. TY for your consideration.


  4. would be really nice to converse with someone there to get answers. been following troops or 3 years and sad events going down with no logical explanations.


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