Website Feedback

Hey Everyone,

I was hoping to get some feedback on the following things. If you are answering one of the questions, please make sure to copy/paste the question you are responding to. If you disagree with one of the pages being made, please disagree in a polite manner.  I am always open to feedback – good and bad – as long as it’s written in a kind way. 🙂


Donation pages for Rescues in the area – I’d love to see a way to donate to the rescues in the area! I would also like to have additional information about the rescues and what they do for the animals in their area.

Potential Pages

  • A realtime chat for people to chat and connect off of YouTube.
  • Donation Pages for the Rescues in the area.
  • Donation Pages for certain Videographers
    • This one might be complicated and will take extra research to make sure donations go directly to the videographer.
  • History of Cambodia
    • Chanting/Praying
    • Temples
  • How YouTube ads work and how you make money off of YouTube.
    • This would also cover how you can help donate to someone by taking the correct steps for certain ads.
      • Example: The ads that pop up that have an “x” to get rid of need to be clicked on for the channel owner to get money.
  • Memorial Page for all the monkeys that have passed away.
    • Splashypuddle suggested this for all the babies we have lost.
    • I was thinking it could be a place where people can submit their thoughts/prayers for specific monkeys.

You are also welcome to leave page suggestions that you’d personally like to see be made here. 🙂

Small Page Update:

I apologize for the lack of activity on my part! I’m currently still trying to sort and write up new bios for the monkeys. It’s been a bit hectic with all the new monkeys added to the troops. If you don’t see a specific monkey on the troop pages it’s because I’m in the process of adding them on. Each table on the monkey troop pages needs to be hand coded by me, so it can take a bit for me to add to them. 🙂

Thank you! ❤

4 thoughts on “Website Feedback

  1. Quimmbly – where are you? Haven’t seen you around in awhile. Have you abandoned the site or are you going to continue to update? I didn’t want to refer folks if this is bono longer a viable source. Thx


  2. Hi Quimmbley, did you know a US doctor ( opthalmologist) wants to come to Cambodia to perform cataract surgery on Amari. He’s performed cataract surgery on a tamarin monkey here in the US. And he also wants to donate his services offering free cataract surgery for Cambodians ( people) who cannot afford it. What a wonderful gesture to help both man and animal. Of course, this must be in conjunction with WildlifeAlliance. Let’s hope this works out as we love the Amari Group and the Cambodian people. His name is Dr. William Wiley of the Cleveland Eye Clinic!


  3. I just stumbled upon this wonderful information. Thank you who started it. Sadly, it seems she no longer makes updates. I wish someone could take this, and turn it into a website, or a new blog.

    I came here to find out about Lucas. I think it is more recent. He has two very swollen eyes.

    I thought he got beaten, but someone commented in one of the YouTube videos that he was stung by bees multiple time and was allergic.

    it appears he may be blind long term, and was curious if anyone knew anything.

    If anyone has any updates, please put in the comments until we can get a better system going. There is a lot of information each person might hold that no one else is aware..

    Stay safe my m9nkey 🧡 🦧🐵


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