
For simplicity sake, I am going to be referring to him as “Ollie” for this bio. Thanks!

Ollie is Popeye’s eldest son and Sweet Pea’s older brother. There was a lot of confusion surrounding Ollie for the longest time because people were getting him confused with Sasha, the female that used to babysit Sweet Pea when he was younger and Jill, Amari’s daughter who is always hanging onto Popeye. When looking back at videos of Popeye before Sweet Pea was born, we can see that she was nursing a male juvenile – Ollie. When you put Sweet Pea and Ollie next to each other, you can see a resemblance between the two of them.

Ollie nursed up until Sweet Pea was born, but he seems to have handled the transition well as we didn’t see him hovering around Popeye attempting to nurse once Sweet Pea was born. Ollie has recently taken a more active role in Sweet Pea’s life and is found protecting him or comforting him. Ollie has inherited Popeye’s quick trigger aggression. He will give anyone an open mouth stare if he feels like they are threatening or upsetting him or Sweet Pea.

Troop: Amari
Rank: High
Defining Characteristics:

  • He has light brown/blonde fur
  • He has the same facial shape as Sweet Pea
  • He has the same drooping skin under his chin as Popeye and Sweet Pea
  • He has a small warm brown patch of fur on his head
  • He has pronounced brow that makes his face have a slightly sad appearance
  • He has small dark brown patches of fur on his cheeks

2 thoughts on “Olive(r)/Ollie

    • I read somewhere that yes, he left the troop with Jace. And looking at the photos, not only he looked a lot like Sweetpea, both look a lot like Felix. I wonder if he is their father.


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