Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea is Popeye’s son and is known for his unique voice and quirky personality. People generally describe him as sounding like a duck. Sweet Pea prefers to be with Popeye any chance he has and still demands to be nursed quite a bit more than the other baby monkeys. You will see him playing with sticks, rocks and spoons the most. He has a tendency to stick his tongue out all the time and hasn’t completely mastered the art of fine motor skills. From what we can observe he has had a lot of developmental delays, but he is slowly learning more behaviors and skills.

There have been theories going around that he has autism or down syndrome.  His behaviors are vastly different from any other monkey his age and he frequently panics when he is not able to see or get to his mother. Sweet Pea tends to escalate to a panicked state when he’s unable to nurse freely. Popeye has just started to stop him from nursing on demand and Sweet Pea hasn’t taken that change very well.

  • He is slightly larger than other babies his age.
  • He has a round face with big bright green eyes.
  • He has a stocky build.
  • He still has his Black Natal Cap.
  • He has very wrinkly round face.
  • His cries sound like a duck.

87 thoughts on “Sweet Pea

  1. Any video that has a monkey with its mouth pursed as in calling for mommy it is probably SP. He also has white markings on his face when said mouth is pursed.

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    • I can’t stand sweet pea! Everyone has the right and reasons to/for their opinions. He’s lazy, he NEVER STOPS WHINING, he’s constantly feeling up his mother, he eats like it’s his last meal, and I’ve seen him touching and even licking baby monkeys privates! He’s sick in the head! It’s like his body grew, but his brain stopped at infant!


      • LOL he was kidnapped a lot as in infant and we think this is why he developed a bratty attitude lol


      • First of all, they are not privates on wild animals. They are simply a body part to them like an ear, a finger, a mouth , a nose. And, you thinking that a child monkey touching, biting or licking another monkey’s body parts only shows your perverted mind…not the young wild monkey’s. So you’ve got that twisted, yeah? It’s obvious you haven’t seen a lot of wild primates b/c they ALL touch, lick, squeeze bite & suck the male & female genitalia when fighting, playing, cleaning, grooming, teasing & all sorts of reasons. Dopey on Monkey Hill went after his big brother’s sticker as it pecked toward the sky while his mum was grooming him. Why? Because mum has only one teat which is pink & elongated from several children using it as a bungee so when she wouldn’t allow him to suckle while grooming her other son why Dopey went to his big brother’s teat for some milk. However, lil Dopey didn’t know that teats don’t grow between big boy’s legs. Oops!
        I’ve seen a mum pick up her baby boy & flip him upside down as he continued suckling and suck on his whichajigger for about 10 seconds. Was she cleaning it off? Did she see him begin to pee & decided to wet her whistle & let him continue nursing at the same time? Does she just like the way that her baby’s skin smells & feels in her mouth? Besides his ear & nose & ball bag that’s the only baby skin she can taste. Unlike us upright apes who can kiss our babies ANYWHERE from their forehead to their toes and never taste hair.


      • Exactly Donna .and I concur. He gets away with it too, because she allows it , He should have been , stopped ages ago, hell he is as big as she is. He looks mentally challenged with that stupid look on his face to match that bad body that looks like it reeks.


      • I agree. I had to stop watching the sweet pea videos. He is irritating with duck sound. Eats toomuch and is too demanding of his mom. How old is he that she has to keep giving him milk? He is just a greedy overweight monkey. He does act as if he is mentally and developmentally delayed.


      • They’re not privates when they are out in the open, brainiac. Only uneducated upright walkin apes would think this way. To the Crab-Eating Macaque the pecker, vag, bum & nipples are nothing more than some other essential body parts to create, nourish & comfort new life, as well as to get rid of waste. There is NOTHING sexual about these body parts to them. e.g.
        • A juvenile monkey biting another’s sack means nothing more than biting an ear or hand.
        • You’ll see nearly all mums & pubescent females grab the sack on baby boys & girls.
        • I’ve seen a Rhesus & LT mum put her baby’s ding dong in her mouth (surely not givin a bj!)
        • Many babies grab mums teats as a way to test if it’s safe to suckle (they’re not horny)

        If anyone is sick in the head it’s the human being that sexualizes the instincts, actions & behaviors of lil wild monkeys. Seriously, who is watchin Youtube and applying her perverted thoughts to these lil 3 pound monkeys? (Yes, 3 lbs.) She’s out of her mind! 😎


      • sweet Pea was diagnosed with downs or retardation between SP and Jinx I get their diagnosis mixed up ! Lots of articles about SP and mom Popeye!!


    • Debra, you do know that ALL baby macaques’ lips purse when cooing or calling for their mums, right? Even the the adults’ lips purse when calling out.


    • I freakin LOATHE that freak of nature. I swear something, EVERYTHING went terribly wrong in the womb with this one. If be more than happy to pull the plug, or noose lol, on this little pig! Pig monkey? He’s more pig than monkey! He’s a, umm, HE’S A PINKEY! I just pray he’s unable to procreate!


      • U ditz the video people made him that way. Tease and chasing him and his mom. They killed his mom and dad the government had to step in to stop them from exploiting the monies. People r so ignorant. U and some others on this thread r uneducated.


  2. It is wrong and not fair to call Sweet Pea a mentally retarded person. He is the most advanced and sensible guy in the group. Of course, he has his own characteristics, like any developed individuality. But exactly for the uniqueness we love that little man.

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    • I am with you in this one. In some of my comments I said that if a qualified person would take the time to tech him to talk or sing language probably he can become like our beloved “Koko”. I adore this little Sweet pea and mostly the way he eats is so peculiar. He is amazing.

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    • I agree too. Popeye & Sweetpea are used by those who want to hate the monkeys. Both are good monkeys & an asset to the troop. The greatest lie perpetuated by these people seems to be that Sweetpea continued to suckle Popeye after Polly was born. This is just not true. No one yet has provided me a link of a video showing Sweetpea suckling on his mom after Polly’s birth. The VOs like to confuse the term nursing with grooming. I believe that is what has caused this misconception. Popeye has groomed (nursed) Sweetpea after Polly’s birth but she has never suckled (nursed) on Popeye.

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      • Popeye and Shitpig aka Sweetpea are absolutely not an asset to the Amari troop. Rather than go into detail, I will list the most important reasons Popeye and Shitpig are a LIABILITY to the troop.
        1. Shitpig has abused and to a lesser degree continues to abuse the most vulnerable in the troop. He is especially antagonistic to an older handicapped female named Merri. Merri has one hand and a very shy but sweet disposition. Merri continues to endure severe abuse from Popeye who is twice Merri’s size and very aggressive.
        2. Popeye and Shitpig do not participate in the rules and etiquette that govern acquisition of meals and food. They both steal, eat out of turn and in one day eat more thsn the entire troop consumes in a week. To ensure they are not stopped by the higher ranking monkey when they eat out of turn or steal food, then men filming strike, kick and chase off the monkeys who are trying to restore order.
        3. Currently, Shitpig is harassing a young female who is in her first pregnancy. He is grabbing at her tits and attempting to nurse. He also has done this to an adult female named Dana who’s baby recently died.
        4. Popeye and her son have a strange relationship. A relationship that is similar to a female and male engaged in courtship and mating. This has got the attention of the alpha male and has caused much fighting within the group. And at the worst time; the Amber troop has been challenging them for turf.
        5. That leads me to the fact that neither Popeye nor Shitpig has fought with thier troop against the Amber troop. And every body is needed because Amber troop enjoys the advantage of greater numbers and participation in fighting by all members.
        6. Finally, Popeye and Shitpig are two monkeys of poor character. They don’t participate in ‘reciprocal altruism’ instead they spend hours grooming eachother. Neither monkey obeys the groups rules. They cause at least 2 fights each day with their troop members. Many of the troop are skinny and poorly nourished, while they are 5x the size they should be.
        But, dont take my word for it, watch for yourself.


      • Not sure how it’s going to be going forward with Sweet Pea since Popeye died 1/3/2020.


    • Sweetpea is far to cunning to be retarded. And his mother Popeye is just as clever. Most likely he has the appearance he does as a result of inbreeding.
      Since he was born, he did not resemble a little baby long tail macaque. His appearance is not the only thing that is starkly different from his peers. His choice of activities is grossly abnormal for his age. While his peers socialize and play, he is preoccupied with the whereabouts of Popeye and obtaining food. Excessive amounts of food. His behaviors are a result of him mimicking his mother Popeye.

      Popeye has been filmed shoving 12 bananas into her mouth and still eating more…if a plastic bag has a crumb in it, she scarfs the bag down in seconds. Shitpig once a 6 large fruits, massive peanuts, a giant corn cob, and numerous other fruits native to the area, and that was just the beginning.
      More than any other activity that a long tail macaque can participate in, those two choose to eat. And eat. And eat.


      • U know that is not true. Oh she put all 12 in her mouth at one time. Come on that sounds ridiculous.


      • She and Sweet Pea are the most annoying of all the monkeys I’ve ever seen. And the only activity S.P knows is eating even in his sleep. He looks like a full adult don’t recall him gradually growing at all. Just born to insanely sickeningly obese. And irritatingly greedy and noisy, Let’s not forget he molesting the other babies, stealing their milk and still not ever full. The best footage of that ugly stupid monkey is when any other is causing it justifiable pain by whooping its ass. There is NOTHING cute about him nor the way POPEYE allows his overgrown greedy ass to get away with his antics. His absence is a blessing, entertaining he has never been. Lucky for him I am no where near it would be my pleasure to kick that shit pest like a football since nothing else helped his disposition. He fails as a damn monkey, even though he was born one.


      • Kara,
        Your just mad because Sweet pea pointed at your beef curtains and started laughing, and said “it’s easy to see how you got through the COVID lockdown” ON YOUR BACK but Popeye said there was a damp mildewy gutter sludge aroma about you, and your breath was definitely dick & ballz but was very concerned about those crusty sores on both sides of your cock holster and chin. and you just looked soggy and that’s why Popeye or Sweet pea wouldn’t take the fruit you brought looking like you love just eating raw ass.


    • I don’t know if SP is autistic or mentally retarded but anybody who follows this troop in general, and/or SP specifically, can tell you he has “issues” which include, but are not limited to, OCD (nursing, MOM, etc.), sibling rivalries, extreme greediness and temper tantrums. Although, I believe all of these long tailed Macaques have issues with these examples to some extent SP is absolutely in a LEAGUE OF HIS OWN!!!..LOL!!!
      Even though SP used to IRRITATE the shit out of me he was VERY UNIQUE with an extremely interesting and individual personality and do hope he is well and GETTING FATTER EVERYDAY!!!..LOL!!!…THANK YOU!!!


      • he’s NOT autistic, “retarded?”, really? what decade are you stuck in anyway? Since it’s obvious that your only understanding of long tail macaques is of the unfortunate troops at Angkor Wat that have been abused, tortured, murdered, poisoned, fed marbles with grapes, stolen, abandoned, shot, teased, taunted, drugged, poked, prodded, knocked out of trees, chased, left orphaned, etc by the lower class Scumbodians over the past several years I’ll let you know that these are not the typical LT macaques but the conditional. Do yourself a favor and look into the wild crab eating(or long tail) macaque outside of Angkor Wat & Scambodia and you will see a different monkey.
        Also, temper tantrums by babies being weaned or not getting their way is not a crab eating macaque “issue” but a baby issue…by every type of primate including your kind, humans. Human beings throw the worst tantrums and continue far past their 1st, 2nd or even 3rd birthday.

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      • What monkey expert said that??? Or is that just some vile lies being spread by people who don’t like him and his mother.


    • Well said. Unfortunately, it’s his human cousins who are more interested in exploiting him on the Internet than letting him live his natural life.
      It’s a miracle he’s still around the way these creeps recording him over feed JUST him. And whenever he turns to leave to return to his troop these creeps call him by name holding another piece of fruit out to him. Ridiculous!
      It’s really sad for him and for nature enthusiasts who admire these types of videos to see what humans are doing to him. Just watch Kiyo or Newly Monkeys to see great videos.
      That being said, he is still everyone’s favorite including mine.
      Happy days, Sweet Pea


      • Well said. Unfortunately, it’s his human cousins who are more interested in exploiting him on the Internet than letting him live his natural life.
        It’s a miracle he’s still around the way these creeps recording him over feed JUST him. And whenever he turns to leave to return to his troop these creeps call him by name holding another piece of fruit out to him. Ridiculous!
        It’s really sad for him and for nature enthusiasts who admire these types of videos to see what humans are doing to him. Just watch the YouTube channel “Kiyo” to see amazing videos. They are superb with Nat Geo or Disney quality.
        That being said, he is still everyone’s favorite including mine.
        Happy days, Sweet Pea


    • You know a monkey isnt s person …Right? I cant believe these comments.
      Their monkeys … of course they are gonna do things that seem weird. They dont know any different. You all are putting too much into it. The only thing I was surprised about is how vicious they are. To each other their babies and so on. I’m not too big on calling him Shitbag or whatever but wow too much thought into how they behave. They arent human or uptight about body parts and if they are promiscuous. Too funny!!!!


      • I do love Sweatpea though. Hes a character. Too bad they took him and sent him into a forest. I’m sure how well he will do out there. It’s been a year since the cull


    • sweet Pea was in fact diagnosed as a does syndrome monkey! No surprises there I mean We all Knew something wasn’t right with him! Many many articles written about Popeye and SP! He was the death of her !! HE is responsible for the culling of 2020!!


  3. I love sweetpea. He is do unique and quite a smart guy. He is the only monkey who can open water bottles. He is dedicated to hid mother, Popeye and brother polino. He brightens my day and many others who are or have been sad. If you need some good therapy time in to Sweetpea, I guarantee he will pick you up.

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    • I’ve never seen sweetpea open a water bottle…lol. I have seen a few of the adults and Ashley. Its definitely a skill that takes time to master. Sweatpea is clever though.
      Sweetpea can steal a bundle of bananas or a bag of mangos in the blink of an eye. But he’s stealing those from the street side vendors. When he tries swiping a fallen morsel of food from under another monkey’s nose, that can be quite a different story. Often times the clever thief would get a reminder in the form of a bite, that his place is at the bottom.
      Yes, sweetpea like his mother Popeye are low ranking in the troop. Therefore they eat last and are often displaced or worse when the fruit is being tossed out by tourists.
      Unfortunately for sweetpea his mother didn’t teach him thier place in the troops established hierarchy. Popeye is an aggressive rule breaker when it comes to food. I can’t say I don’t enjoy watching the fat old girl being put in her place by an alpha for sneaking food. And it’s double trouble for the troop since sweetpea feels just as entitled.
      It can be dangerous for tourists as well. Both sweetpea and Popeye have bitten tourists in an aggressive attempt to get food. Sweetpea has even attacked a little boy for no reason. Maybe sweetpea had a reason..lol.
      He’s definitely not boring to watch!


      • @jamescarter What do you mean “his place is at the bottom”? Popeye’s family is fairly ranked in the troops hierarchy. Do you even know what you are talking about?

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  4. Sweet Pea is just an awesome individual. I think he sounds like he has a kazoo when he is upset. The fact that he has nursed for so long I think is what has made him so much bigger than other monkeys his age. Only time will tell but I think this will give him an advantage add he is coming into adulthood.

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    • You couldn’t be more wrong. Sweetpea is morbidly obese. He’s so big not only from nursing from birth to present and he’s almost 3, but from gorging.
      Too bad for Sweetpea he had a terrible example to learn from; his mother Popeye.
      Because he is so fat, he can’t do half the things monkeys his age can do. He also seems to having some joint pain in his hips. In fact he’s having difficulty climbing up trees and walking with his little friends.
      He is quite a greedy glutton and can’t seem to control himself.


  5. I absolutely love Sweet Pea, he is my anxiety relief. I literally put on videos of him and feel myself calm because I cant help but laugh. Some people’s attitude towards him worries me, people get extremely angry to the point of wanting to inflict violence on him. Those people are sick and need help.

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    • Natalie..I just made a request via a reply to another commenter but you seem to have a distinct interest in SP alone. Do you (or anybody else reading this) have an update on SP??..I am, right now, about a year behind on any info. Any help would be surely appreciated!!!


    • Ok, you are right, I would love to kill SWEET PEA with a baseball bat, HE IS NOTHING BUT A FAT LITTLE SHIT. I WAS GLAD WHEN POPEYE!


      • Because you live in your mommy’s basement and get on line and tell everyone how tough you are, stacks of pizza boxes and Mtn. Dew “fruit punch” cans in a pyramid sitting in a crusty 1980 delaminating red bean bag chair in a tight little pair of Brony panties white wife beater that’s almost completely orange from the Cheetos you stuff in your pimple oozing face and braces just a solid coat of Cheetos and Fruity Pebble and a thick coating of chocolate pudding because you have not even stopped at the bathroom sink let alone put a toothbrush in your suck and the horror that sewer smell that permeates through the entire basement has made the city looking for a gas line leak twice a year, and you still ride the same BMX bike you got for Christmas your 7th grade year because you’re just too stupid to even get past the written phase of the drivers license test you have tried twice a year since you were 16 and at 31 you’ve resigned yourself to just spray painting a couple more coats of paint on it.
        So it’s cool you do you and just remember…You got embarrassed when sweet pea stood up and you saw his monkey meat and realized…it was bigger than yours.


  6. The saddest thing about Sweetpea is the way he behaves with the low ranking females in the troop. He is aggressive and has recently started grabbing at their nipples and trying to pull them into his mouth. He attacked a higher ranking pregnant female monkey. That only happened because the videographers strike at and kick this female. I believe that is why she cowered during the attack, rather than handle sweetpea.
    Since this monkey is their “cash cow” the videographers provide him with large amounts of food to keep him around. Many videos are of the monkey eating.
    Sweetpea eats fast and furious. He will not stop until their is not even a crumb left. Even though sweetpea is low ranking and the rules go against this, the higher ranking can’t enforce the rules less they risk a swat or kick from the videographers.
    This oversized monkey has become more of nuisance than ever. Sweetpea believes he is above the law of the troop and his antics are becoming less benign each day. My heart breaks for this troop.


    • What lies plus he is middle rank. People make lies on comments and other people pick it up and spread the hatred


    • Oh you guys keep saying that they are low ranking when they are not! They are fairly aHigh in the troop’s hierarchy. You should know what you’re talking about if you are going to leave comments for everyone else to see. Popeye is NOT low ranking. If you can’t tell by the videos just look on this website on her bio page. She is higher ranking not lower. Ever wonder why she’s always hanging with the alpha male of the troop?


    • You still can’t believe that Sweet pea went to grab yours but ummmm and you had the nerve to wear a training bra go shave your underarms and wash your ass


    • As I have previously stated, I am woefully out of touch on any current info on this troop but, as far as I know, SP has never reproduced and we can all THANK GOD FOR THAT!!!..SP has wreaked enough havoc on his mother, his troop AND WORLD by himself without cursing anything else with offspring!!! MY GOD!!! LOL!!!


      • I would be shocked if he is able to reproduce. As anyone who watches these videos know the young males when being groomed, to say it nicely, their ding dongs dance around. This isn’t the case with scream pea, if you watch him you will notice this occurs probably 2 or so inches up from where his actual ding dong is. Which makes me wonder if perhaps one of his falls caused a injury or break in that area. The next possibility would be inter breeding as mentioned by others he looks and acts very differently than other young males in his age group. He is certainly a low ranking adolescent male who doesn’t seem to accept that fact and does act very entitled and this brings a lot of in fighting within this troop. Normally macaque troops are very ridged in their hierarchy. This troop has been so interfered with by VO’s feeding and fan girls and boys that it really has changed this troop and the way it has run. It makes me very sad I use to love watching these monkeys now I find it incredibly upsetting


  7. I am shocked at the fact that people are saying such nasty things about a little monkey, even if these things are true, it isn’t Sweetpeas fault, he and Popeye wouldn’t be the first nor the last to bite at humans, that’s what monkeys sometimes do. Popeye didn’t seem to be low ranking, I always saw her being groomed and mated by alpha male.
    Yes, Sweetpea is different, but I have watched the same needy behaviour and crying for nursing in other monkey species.
    And Popeye and Sweetpea are not the only fat monkeys in those troops, I have seen a fair few other overweight monkeys as well.

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  8. He is the smartest little bubbly macaque in his troop. He belongs to the animal kingdom……., ok, he loves to eat human prepared food, it is not his fault, the humans in the Angkor Tourist park, training him to eat like that. How many human love to eat the ways he does? Most of us, do not blame him, He is just an adorable creature!


      • Wow, hostile zoosadist outed yourself. I realize I’m behind a bit, but the kind of hostility you’re displaying.. doesn’t go away.


      • People, after Covid-19, we supposed to be happy we still alive. Why do you keep being hateful towards each other. YOU NEVER LEARN, DO YOU?


  9. The ignorance displayed by the haters on this site is appalling. You people give truth to the statement that most of humanity is no better than a bunch of screeching monkeys. You really need to research the facts before you display your ignorance so publicly.

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    • WELL SAID! I am floored the way people talk to one another on here. People’s opinions differ. Arrogance and ignorance leads to name calling in my opinion….. Seems human behavior isn’t too far removed from troop behavior.


      • It’s zoosadism, and straight up monkey haters. They get off on the torture of monkeys being tortured and abused.


    • Nobody really knows if SP has died or not in so far as I have been able to determine. We only know that he was captured by the authorities with the remainder of his troop, spent maybe 10 days at a zoo after receiving some medical attention from (I think) being hit by a scooter/motorcycle, and was released into another “sanctuary.” Since then nothing. My own personal opinion he did not live long in the wild. He could not truly defend himself without his fangs, and he was always a poor fighter and cowardly, nor could he easily climb trees if it all. If his own troop did not deal with him, I suspect he would have been culled by another troop in the wild. But that is all guess work on my part.




  11. I definitely think sweat pea has autism, idk what it’s like for monkeys compared to humans but the signs are definitly there. I didn’t like him at first but when you look at him from that context it’s not like he can help it. It’s not like Popeye was a very good mom at being strict with him either which probably didn’t help. I just wish proper research and scientific studies were done on him, his mom, and their troop because the psychology and sociological dynamic of them and the troop is fascinating!

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  12. everyone is aware that both Cambodia and Vietnam have breeding farms right in those farms they breed this particular monkey type to sell to research labs all over the world. You guys are crying about these monkeys but if you’ve ever taken Tylenol, use cosmetics, shampoo, etc. it was tested on one of these monkeys these people find these monkeys to be lower than roaches. They hate these animals. Most of the wild ones are now put two or three different little areas for tourist to find them easily, and for the government to maintain them, they used to have selective killing after the season was over and got rid of some the bigger or the less popular monkeys. The ones that got to aggressive with the tourist but trust me the cops don’t give a shit what you do to these things I have literally seen people run them over with scooters purposely and the cops just stand there. They dislike these monkeys because of the damage they caused the crops farms, etc. everyone says they’re endangered it’s illegal to own one well you can go to any market and buy one for less than $12. USD these people are not the problem the problem all the people that enjoy the content of them being teased tortured and tormented but again that’s just a few monkeys here and there 5000 a year in medical labs and after their testing is done they don’t just let them go in the wild they kill them as they should, because these monkeys embody the worst of humanity they’re greedy gluttonous they stink, their immature, ignorant, aggressive, violent, destructive, territorial, jealous, demonic, animals, who have no sense about them, and offer us. Nothing that improves the world with the exception of being either entertainment, and or lab rats and I guess you know here there they could be eaten. I wouldn’t personally eat one but I know they do eat them there. They also eat dogs which I’m totally against and I kept wondering why I hated these things so much as I love animals I would absolutely massacre someone if they treated a dog like they treat these monkeys, but these things just I don’t know I feel no empathy for them. I just despise them  they’re disgusting


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